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"Hey." Luhan poke Sehun's cheek.


"Is he really look like me?" Luhan rest his chin on his arms.


"Your Jeonghan, i mean do we really look a like? Like a twins?" Luhan tap his chin and pouting, thinking what is it like to have someone that looks like himself.

Sehun chuckle and took his wallet. He then show the photo to Luhan who took it and gasp.

"Woah, he- i- wow." Luhan said as he touch and pat his own cheeks.

"Same, right? The difference is he has a little scar under his lips." Sehun said as he pointing his own lips.

"But he looks more mature than me." Luhan said as he give the wallet back to Sehun.

"Yeah, he was. That's why i love him." Sehun smile looking at the photo while Luhan pout.

I must be a mature man then...

And a brilliant idea popped up in Luhan's mind. Luhan smile to himself like an idiot.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Sehun frown.

"No, nothing." Luhan shook his head but the smile still plastered on his face.

Sehun shrugged his shoulder as he continue to eat his dinner.
Sehun spat his water when he saw someone familiar standing infront of him.

"J- jeonghan..."

He smile. "How do i look?"

"Why- Luhan??"

Luhan innocently nodded his head. "Is this okay? I wanted some c-"

"What are you doing?? Is this some kind of joke?!"


"Why are you like this Luhan?? Are you trying to torture me?? I thought that Jeonghan is still alive! Are you happy to play with my feeling like this??"

Sehun then walk away, slamming the front door shut, leaving Luhan alone, tears threatening to spill.

"I just want to make you happy."

One drop of tears fall from his eyes.

"I'm not trying to torture you, Sehun-ah. I just-"

Two drops of tears fall.

"I'm not playing with your feelings."

And Luhan finally cry his heart out.

I love you...
Jongin let out a sigh when he saw Sehun smoking.

Smoking Sehun is not a good situation.

"I told you that it is a bad idea."

"I know Jongin. It's just that Jeonghan and him. They really look alike."

"But Luhan is not Jeonghan, Sehun. They are different."

"I know." Sehun sigh as he throw away the cigarette.

"Why can't you just move on?"

"Easy to say, but no one can replace Jeonghan. No one."

"Why Sehun?"

"I can't Jongin. How can i move on when i still remember him? Tell me!"

"Listen to me." Jongin put his hand on his cousin's shoulder. "It's not your fault. That accident is not your fault. He won't happy to see you like this, Sehun."

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