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Sehun panickly dialed his brother's number but he never pick up. He ruffled his hair in frustation as he scream out loud.

"Argh! Fuck!"

"Sehun, calm down, okay? We will find Luhan." Chanyeol said as he focus on the road.

"Chanyeol is right. You should calm down." Jongin said as he take a look at Sehun who sat on the back seat.

"I can't. What if he does something bad to Luhan? I-i..."

"He's your brother Sehun. You know him. He won't do something like that."

Sehun rub his face. "I don't know him anymore Chanyeol-ah. He even hurt Luhan back then when they were in the same high school."

Jongin furrowed his eyebrow. "How did you know?"

"I saw a long scar on Luhan's back. At first i didn't believe Luhan when he told me that Seunghun hyung hurt him. And then i personally check on that matter and all Luhan said was the truth. My brother hurt him."

Sehun sigh as he look at the dark road. It's almost midnight but he doesn't have a clue where Luhan is.

"Hey Sehun." Chanyeol suddenly call him, breaking the silent.

"Do you remember that house in Daegu? The one that we always go back then?"

Sehun hummed as he nodded his head. "Yeah, that's Seunghun's prop-"

Sehun suddenly remember something. "We should go there! I'm sure Luhan is there!"

Chanyeol and Jongin look at each other before they nod.

"Okay, i'll find some help." Jongin took his phone and start calling his men, telling them to go to Daegu.

Please be safe Lu...

Luhan woke up 3 hours later and pain instantly strike him. He couldn't move a bit because his energy was drained from his body.


"You're awake, huh?" Seunghun said as he slightly kick Luhan's back, making the smaller groan in pain.

"Se- sehun... argh!" Once again Luhan groan in pain as he felt his back being hit.

"Stop calling his name! He won't come!"

"He will!" Luhan used his remained strength to shout and glare at Seunghun. "He will come because he doesn't like you who always hurt me!"

Seunghun just chuckle. "We'll see about that, sweetheart." Seunghun grab Luhan's hair as he stare at the younger's face. "And you will know that you are stupid  enough to believe that he loves you." Seunghun let go of Luhan's hair and laughing like crazy.

"I can't believe that he actually can loves someone after Jeonghan's death. And do you want to know something?"

Luhan is too tired to respons so he just stay silent and let Seunghun to continue his blabbering.

"I wonder if he know that i was the one who kill Jeonghan. Hmmmm..."

"W-what?" Luhan heard him. He just can't believe that Seunghun killed Jeonghan. He can't believe that the man in front of him was the one who took Sehun's happiness away.

"Ahhh, you've heard enough, Lu. Know i want you to sleep little longer."

Luhan then felt the pain striking the back of his head and then he fainted as his vision turn black.

Happy valentine guys!!!! This is my 23rd valentines and i'm still single! What a wonderful life !!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
But it's okay, i don't mind it at all~~
So here's chap 14 as a valentine gift to all of you!! ♡♡♡
Till next chap!!


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