Author's Note: New Fanfic Update

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Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of chapters or comments. I have been terribly busy ever since my last Author's Note, and even now I am still incredibly busy. However, I wanted to make a small update concerning the new fanfic idea that I had mentioned in my previous note.

So far I have received three votes for Pokémon X, one vote for Pokémon Heart Gold, and one vote for Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. Sadly, this isn't enough votes for me to come to a final decision for which game the next fanfic will be based on.

However, I do want to announce that I'm adding another game to the list; one that I did not have when I first made it, but do have now. That game is Pokémon Moon!

I'm not very far in the game just yet; I currently still need to finish the first trial, but I really enjoy it so far and wouldn't mind if people want me to make the fanfic on that game. And because of how much I like the character so far, I'm adding one female character as a possible love interest for Pokémon Moon if it is chosen as the one the fanfic will be on!

Because of this, this is the updated list of choices:

Game:    Possible Love Interests:
1. HeartGold Gold, Silver, Green?, Red?
2. Black   Hilbert, Cheren, N
3. White2 Nate, Hugh, N?
4. X Calem, Tierno, Trevor
5. AlphaSapphire Brendan, Wally, Steven
6. Moon                          Hau, Lillie, Gladion

There we go! That is the updated list. Anyways, don't forget to vote for which game you want the next fanfic to be on.
(Reminder: Do NOT pick one of the possible love interests. Each possible love interest has a chance if their game is chosen; I will not be picking only one of them for an entire fanfic to be on.)

That's all for now! See you guys next time! ^_^

[Pokemon] Wally X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now