Chapter 3: Normal is over rated.

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   *Melanie Charlet's POV*

          I saw him moving outside my window. I spit in the sink my toothpaste and such. I opened my window and said "Mitch what are you doing here? Go away it midnight." He smiled and just laughed. "I am here to ask you something." Mitch said while crossing his arms on my window sill. "What do you possible want to ask me?" I asked while giving him a glare. "I never met a girl like you before. Can I take you out to dinner and movie on friday?" He asked looking into my eyes. "Yes you have met a girl like me before. Remember we were best friends from Kindergarten to 8th grade." I said giving a grin. "Oh....wait...your Melanie?" He said. "Yeah.." I said. "Oh my god. I thought you switched schools." "Well I didn't I never left you ditched me." I said. I felt the tears coming. But I held them back. "Can I still take you out on friday? Can I have one chance to make it up to you? Please?" He asked while checking his watch. "Fine...One chance...but thats go before my neighbors call my mom." I said giggling and shutting my window. I shut off my lights and cleaned my bathroom, and went to sleep. 

       Today was Thursday. I couldn't believe I am going on a date with Mitch. The guy who ditched me for  3 years. I decided to go shopping again to go on my date tomorrow. I got dressed in a teal lace top, that was flowy at the bottom, teal vans,and black skinny jeans. I hurried and hopped on the city bus. I had to pay $1.50 to go to the mall. I should have asked Sammy to take me. But I don't want her to know I am going on a date wit Mitch. It's best that no one knows at this point. 

       The bus stopped at the mall and I got off along with the other people. I walked in. I went into Wet Seal. I saw a cute purple and silver dress. It was puffy at the bottom. It had silver glitter and purple background. It was beautiful. I looked at the price tag. It was $89.99. I only had $60.00. Aww man It looked so pretty though. I went into the shoe section and got a pair of silver pumps. They were amazingly cute. I got them. I went out of the store and headed over to my favorite smoothie place. I got a manago and peach smoothie. Then I went to sit at a table. I looked to my right and saw Mitch walking with his possy of jocks. He smiled and waved. I sent back a small smile and waved a little. I drank the rest of my smoothie and went home.

      *Time skip to Friday(Because I can)*

      I was curling my purple and teal hair. I was wearing seat pants and a tank top and heard a knock at the door. I went to it and saw no one there. I looked down and saw a pink box that said Wet Seal on it. I picked it up and shut the door behide me. I ran to my room and opened it. It was the dress I saw and liked at Wet Seal. It was my size. I put it on. It was really cute on me. I decided to wear it. I finished my hair and makeup and put on my silver pumps. I thought I looked pretty cute for dinner and a movie. I heared a knock on my window. It was Mitch. I opened my window. "Why can't you use the door like a normal person?" I asked. "Normal is over rated." He said smileing at my out fit. "You look nice." he said graving my hand. "Thanks you don't look half bad yourself." I replied. "Are you coming?" He asked pulling my hand. "You mean out my window?" I asked while raising my eyebrowls. "Yeah...whats so bad about that." He said helping me out the window. "Nothing just...never mind.." 

             It was quiet the whole ride to the movies. Thats where we went first. "What are we seeing?" I asked him while holding his hand. "Paranormal activity: The marked ones" He said smileing. Of course it had to be a scary movie for me to cuddle next to him. Wow nice move Mitch. We took our seats and the movie started. It was a part where these to girls popped out of no where and scared the heck out of me. I quickly planted my face in Mitch's shoulder. He looked down at me and lighty kissed the top of my head. I looked up and kissed his cheek. Then I ran out of the movie. I sat on the bench outside crying. "Hey...whats wrong?" Mitch came out saying. "I can't fall in love  with you again  Mitch, last time you ditched me and my heart broke. I can't ....I just can't..." I said trying to fight the tears, but I failed. "'s fine to cry...and I wont ditch you ever again..that ways one of the most stupiest things I have ever done. I would have to be fucking stupid to do that again." He said holding on to me. I just hugged him. "Why dont we skip the dinner and go to the smoothie place at the mall." He said offering me a pigg back ride. "Sounds great." I said. 

            He dropped me off at home. He walked me to my window. "Thanks for tonight. I had fun." I said holding his hand. "I had fun to. We should do it again sometime." He said pulling me close. "Mitch....can we keep this a seceret. I don't want everyone to think I am one of your sluts." I said kissing his cheek again. "Sure as long as I have you I'm cool." He said hugging me. He helped me through me window. "I will see you tomorrow." He said walking away. "Yeah see you tomorrow." I said laying on my bed with the window still open. 

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