Mekune Info

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Here is some information about Mekune
Regalia name: Shi
Regalia form: katana
Name: Mekune
Yato's regalia
backstory: her mom died when she had mekune, father had a drinking problem and died, Mekune moved to the streets, she was treated like trash whenever someone walked by her on the streets, Mekune died in an alleyway from the freezing temperatures
Personality: shy, friendly, scared easily, kind hearted
Looks: short brown hair with blue tips, 5'7, wears a jacket similar to Yukine's, wears a skull tank top, black ripped jeans.
Likes: rock music, cats, pasta, video games, swimming, vocaloid
Dislikes: nora, mean people, phantoms
Fears: thunderstorms, the dark, being alone, being forgotten
Talents: dancing, singing, drawing
Well I hope this helps you people to get to know Mekune better :)

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