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"Who are you?" She asked me again. 

I was completely stunned. She didn't know who I was. This couldn't be.

"Mom, it's me, it's Ella."

She looked up at Junior and then back at me.

"I don't know you people are, get away from me." She said breaking away from my grasp. 

"Mom, please, it's me!" I started to yell. 

Junior stepped closer to me. 

"It's no use, I've seen this magic before, she won't remember you. Your parent's memories have been erased." He said.

He offered me his hand and pulled me up. 

"Is there anyway I can help them?" I asked with tears in my eyes. 

"Not right now. They couldn't remember even if they wanted to. The best thing we can do is leave." He said dragging me away from them.

"Stop it! No! Leave me here! I need to help them!" I yelled kicking and screaming.

Once I was out of the room and the door was shut, he set a spell to lock the door. 

"There, I enchanted the lock so only I can open it, this way they can't hurt themselves or anyone else." He said. 

"Why would you take me away from them!" I yelled at him.

I fell to the floor crying. If they didn't remember me what was I going to do? I had no friends and no family besides them. I felt Junior's hand on my shoulder. 

"There's nothing you can do. As far as I know there is no way to retrieve the memories they lost without implanting false memories as well. I'm sorry." He said genuinely.

"Who would have done something like this to them?" I asked, getting myself off of the ground.

We walked back downstairs and sat on the overturned couch. 

"There's only two explanations. Either my father did this to tie up loose ends or the ministry found out about me, perhaps even both." He said.

After thinking for a moment I decided there was only one thing to do.

"Well we can't go back to my flat because your father would know exactly where to find me. So that leaves your flat." I said hesitantly. 

"You're joking right?" He asked placing a hand on his hip. 

Sometimes he acted like such a spoiled rich kid.

"We don't have much of a choice. You said it yourself. No one would be able to find your flat except if you already know where it is." I said. 

He rolled his eyes and looked at me. 

"Fine." He said.

"We will need to go my place to grab a bag of stuff." I said.

"What could you possibly need?" He asked.

"Clothes, food, girl stuff-" I said back. 

"Ok, ok, I get the picture. But we won't need to do that. Everything you could possibly want or need is at my flat, trust me." He said smiling.

'Trust me.' 

Two words which can spell life or death for anyone. If you put your faith in the wrong person, you could end up dead. Could I ever really trust him? It was hard to tell at that point in time. There was no way of knowing if he was truly honest or not. I mean this man managed to disguise himself, break in the worlds most renowned wizarding school, and purposefully set traps to kill people. There was no way I could trust him. 

"Ok, then let's get out of here before I change my mind." I said. 

He pulled out a key from his coat pocket. 

"This is how we are getting there." He said.

He proceeded to walk towards the front door. He stuck the key in and locked it. Looking back at me, and then continuing, he unlocked the same door with the same key. When he opened it, instead of the outside , it was his flat. He walked through the door and suggested I follow him. After walking through the door, he closed it, and then locked it again. After that we were officially out of London, and even out of England. 

It never really occurred to me how big his 'flat' really was. In fact, it wasn't even a flat at all, it was a full fledged mansion. It wasn't dark and dreary like his father's house was. Instead, it was bright and colorful with tons of windows allowing for natural sunlight to come through. Tapestries, paintings, and artifacts lined the walls. On the wall was a tapestry for the house Ravenclaw. It was odd since I thought all of the Dark Lord's followers were Slytherin? 

"You were in Ravenclaw?" I asked curiously.

He took off his coat and hung it on the coat rack. He offered to take mine. 

"What of it?" He asked.

I handed him the leather jacket I was wearing. 

"I thought you were in Slytherin?" I said.

"What gave you that impression?" He asked.

"Well, I thought most of people that followed Voldemort were Slytherin." I said.

It probably made his blood boil the way I casually dropped his former master's name but I didn't care. 

"That may be true, but I am no Slytherin. At one point in time, I would have liked to think I upheld the qualities of a Ravenclaw, but not anymore." He said disappointingly. 

I stepped towards the center of the foyer. It was so grand my voice could have echoed if I had yelled. 

"You can go into any room you wish, just do not leave this house. If you need something let me know, I will get it for you. Would you like me to show you to your room?" He asked.

I smiled at him.

"Yes please." I said. 

I Alone Remained Faithful (A Wizarding World of Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now