The True Caster

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There we were. In the middle of an empty field, nothing for miles and miles. I started walking north, away from the house. I was so mad that I began kicking up dirt from the ground. I could hear Junior shout in the distance,

"Ella! Where do you think you're going?!" He shouted cupping his hands around his mouth. 

"Away from you!" I said angrily. 

I could hear Junior running up to me to catch up. Once he did he stood in my way.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked folding his arms over his chest. 

"Let me pass." I said looking at the ground. 

"No. Not until you tell me why you are acting like such a child?" He said grabbing ahold of my shoulders. 

I looked up at him with anger in my eyes, but then my gaze softened when I looked into his eyes. 

"I'm upset..." I started to say.

"I can see that, why?" He asked. 

"All of this was for nothing. The days of research, traveling thousands of miles, risking our lives, staying with you, it was all for nothing!" I said.

My words hurt him and he couldn't understand why. He sunk down into the ground a little farther. His heels digging into the dirt. 

 "Well we've come this far, it would be a waste not to find out who actually used the Obviliate spell on your parents. 

All of a sudden the door to Barty Crouch Sr.'s house opened up. Winky wobbled down the stairs and started running towards us. I stood behind Junior scared of what she would do.

"You don't need to be frightened, Winky has not come to kill you again. I have some information for the little master." She said looking at Junior.

He bent down to her level.

"Go on then." He said.

"When your father sent the girl's parents home, I remembers something mysterious bout' that night. I was in charge of bringing them back home. As we was passin' through Diagon Alley, someone pushed me down and I bumped me head. When I woke up, the muggles were gone, and I just returned back to the house." She said. 

I was stunned. She or her father never truely took my parents home. Then who did? I shoved Junior out of the way a little. 

"Do you remember anything about the person that knocked you down?" I asked. 

She looked at Junior, who nodded for her to answer.

"No miss, it was fast. I do remember a man with a white beard and hair, wearing a leather trench coat and had a metal arm, following me for quite a long time. It might've been him." She said shrugging her shoulders. 

After that Winky, ran back inside the house and I turned to Junior. 

"Who do you think was following her?" I asked. 

He never exactly who was following the house elf that evening. There was only one man that fit the description. 

"Antonin Dolohov." He said.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"He's a death eater, and a strong one at that. He must be after me." He said lying. 

Junior knew that it was he who Antonin was after, but his traveling companion who was the one fated.

"So where do we go from here? Theres no where to go." I said holding my arms out wide.

Junior started walking. 

"Would you calm down. Its only a day and a half's walk to a small farming village." He said. 

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