"You make my life worth living."

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Suddenly I felt a wand to my throat. Junior had taken out his wand just before I sipped the potion. He stood up suddenly. The other death eaters were shocked. With one hand holding his wand, and the other holding the potion, he spoke. 

"If any of you move, she dies and I poor out this potion with the only known remaining ashes of the Dark Lord." He spoke clearly and loudly. 

"Barty, what do you think you're doing?" Antonin asked.

"All I want is a simple trade, give me your wand, and I will continue with giving this girl the potion." He replied.

"THAT'S ALL?! You go through all this trouble of betraying us over my wand? You've got to be joking." Antonin said. 

Junior looked down at me.

"I wish I was. You've put an obliviate spell on some friends of mine, and I need your wand to undo it." He said. 

I widened my eyes in shock, he was actually trying to save me. 

"Well I mean you're not giving me much of a choice lad. Just know if you don't do as you say you have thirty of us willing to use the death curse on you without hesitation." He said as he handed his wand to Junior. 

He turned to me holding the potion in his hand. All of the death eaters had their wands at the ready, waiting to see what he would do. Slowly he placed Antonin's wand in my pants pocket and leaned down closer to my face. 

"Get back to your parents, no matter what." He said to me, tears welling up in his eyes, and placed his wand in my hand. 

Instead of placing the potion on my lips, he placed it on his. Leaning back as quickly as he could he drank all of the black liquid, not leaving a single drop. He instantly collapsed to the ground and the other death eaters including Antonin started closing in on him.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" One death eater screamed!

"OUR LORD IS GONE FOREVER!" Another one yelled. 

"What have you done." Antonin whispered completely stunned. 

The death eaters didn't know what to do, they were in shock. They never expected the cold blooded Barty Crouch Jr. to actually trade his life for a girl. Luckily this gave me enough time to undo my restraints with Junior's wand. 

"Relashio" I said aiming at my wrists and then feet. 

I got up from the table and could see Junior on the floor, with my wand drawn, I knelled down to him. His face shocked me. Not only was he in immense pain but a black liquid was streaming down from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. It was almost as if he was drowning in it. 

I grabbed a hold of Junior as tightly as I could. Then I took Antonin's wand from my pocket and used it to apparate. I focused my mind on my childhood home and suddenly with a flick of his wand, we went up in a cloud of black smoke. It was one of the more painful things I've experienced. It felt like a constant squeezing and pulling of my entire body. When the black cloud dissipated we were sitting on the dark dim floor of my parent's living room.

The black liquid was continuing to poor out of his eyes. I laid him on his back. He kept gagging and coughing up the liquid. I was panicking, I didn't know what to do. He looked at me with tears and placed his hand on my cheek. My eyes started to fill up with tears as I felt the warmth of his hand. He spoke softly. 

"I'm sorry..." He said choking.

"Hey don't say that, everything is going to be alright." I said trying to hold back. 

"Ella...I..." He said breath slowly leaving his body. 

His hand fell onto the floor as the liquid started to retract back into his body. It startled me seeing this happen. His eyes glazed over solid black. He was no longer breathing but didn't seem to be gone either. I leaned over him. 

"Junior?" I said. 

No response. 

"Junior?!" I yelled. 

No response again.

"Please don't leave me. I don't know what to do." I whispered in a defeated tone.

I leaned in closer to his face, holding it in my hand.

"I never thought I could care for someone, as much as I care for you. I love you." I said as I gently leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips. 

I placed his wand on his chest gently. Somehow I managed to get myself off of the floor, and wiped away the tears. I pulled out Antonin's wand and turned around to start walking up stairs towards my parents. As I started walking away I heard a sighing sound. It was coming from Junior. 

I turned around the look at him. His body was radiating with light. Almost so bright I could hardly look at him.  He jumped and writhed in pain. Eventually rolling over to his side and throwing up all of the black liquid in his body, the light dimming as well. I ran over to him. 

I lifted his head and watched as the blackness faded from his eyes as they returned to normal. He looked up at me. 

"You saved me." He whispered. 

"How?" I asked. 

"When I was reading the spell back when we were at the library, they only way to bring back the dead is with a female host. Give the same potion to male, and it becomes poison. The only way to not succumb to the poison, is to pass through the land of the dead. Something that can only be done if you find life worth living. The land of the dead makes it extremely difficult on someone to not want to return. But no matter what I could hear your voice. I felt a warmth I hadn't felt in a really long time. Then I realized, you make my life worth living." He said. 

I couldn't believe what he was telling me. This cold blooded killer, this monster, that so many people know, actually cares for me. 

"Junior-" I started to say but was interrupted by him.

"Please let me just say it before I don't get another opportunity to. Ella, I love you." He said to me. 

I sat there with a stunned look on my face. He pulled me in and kissed me deeply. I kissed him back. He brushed his fingers through my hair as he placed his forehead on mine. I wanted to live in that moment forever. 

Just then his gaze moved from behind my shoulder. 

"Ella look out!" He yelled as the black mass that Junior puked up was forming into a living blob. 

We moved out of the way and both stood up as quickly as possible. Junior took out his wand and pointed it at the mass. 

"Incendio" He said.

The blob went up in flames as it let out terrible high pitched shrieks. Finally after a few moments it stopped moving and was nothing but ashes. He turned to me.

"Now that's taken care of, how about we go up there and give your parents their memories back?" He said smiling as he extended his hand out to grab mine.   

I Alone Remained Faithful (A Wizarding World of Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now