The Library

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Blackness. Utter blackness. I could feel my legs running but I wasn't moving anywhere. All of a sudden a dementor tackled me and I was on my back. I could feel my body go ice cold as I felt it suck the life out of me.

All of a sudden I woke up. It felt like my heart was pounding out of my chest. I rolled over and grabbed my phone to look at the time. 5:45AM. It was at this point where I could have chosen to go back to sleep or not, and I decided the best thing for me to do would be to get up. I needed to find a way to retrieve my parents' memories. There had to be a way. 

I felt my stomach grumble and knew I wanted to make something for breakfast. So I got up and went down to the kitchen as quietly as I could. On my way down the hall, I could hear Junior talking in his sleep. 

"No, please don't." He moaned loudly. 

I was tempted to go into his room to check on him, but I still couldn't trust him completely. So no matter how much I may have wanted to help him, I pressed on. 

After making my way down to the kitchen, I got out some flour, yeast, and salt. I was making fresh bread. Like I've stated earlier nothing beats homemade bread. The smell is intoxicating on its own. As I was kneading the dough, I rubbed my forehead and managed to get flour on myself. All of a sudden I heard a voice coming from the doorway.

"What are you making?" Junior said to me. 

I turned around startled to see him there. He was wearing a plain white tee shirt and blue striped boxers. If I didn't know any better, I would say it was almost on purpose. 

"You scared me." I said wiping the flour from my forehead, breathing slightly heavy from the kneading. 

He walked closer to me. I was unsure what he was about to do, and that made my heart race a little. He grabbed a cloth, standing inches away from me. I could feel the warmth of his body.

"You missed a spot." He said taking the cloth and gently wiping away the remaining flour from my face. 

"Thank you." I said quietly. 

He coughed as to get back to reality and then propped himself back up onto the counter.

"I'm making bread, want to help?" I asked. 

I was waiting for an entitled childlike answer in protest to my question, but instead, he jumped down and stood next to me, waiting for me to tell him what to do.  

"Ok so you are going to use the heels of your hands and knead the dough. You flip it over after a couple of presses, and you just keep doing that for a while. I sprinkled some flour into his hands and he got to work. 

I stood next to him making sure he was doing it correctly. 

"So why are you up so early?" I asked.

"Why are you?" He replied back. 

I took a second to think about my answer. 

"I couldn't sleep well, I had a bad dream." I said back. 

"Well you know in our world, dreams can be signs of things to come." He said flipping the dough over. 

"I thought you didn't believe in that aspect of the supernatural?" I said.

He paused for a moment and turned to look at me. 

"After being dead for so long I can tell you it isn't what they said it would be. You experience nothingness. Its hard to explain. I was expecting to feel nothing. But I was consciously aware of nothing and feeling emptiness." He said sadly. 

"Kinda of like trying to scream when you have no voice?" I asked. 

"Exactly." He said back. 

I turned back to the look at the dough in his hands. 

"Here. I think we can put it in the pan now." I said reaching for the dough. 

After putting the pan in the oven there was awkward silence. 

He stared at me with his arms over his chest, almost looking like he was trying to figure me out. 

"You really are just a good girl, aren't you?" He asked almost stunned. 

"I try to be, I have my bad days like everyone else." I said.

"But you've never killed anyone." He said in a monotone. 

I looked awkwardly away from him.

"No, I haven't." 

There was another awkward silence as I waited for him to say something. 

"There's something I want to show you." He said smiling. 

I looked up and down at him and then had this look of disgust on my face.


He shifted his weight to one side.

"I don't mean it like that. You want to see if you can recover your families memories right?" He asked. 

"More than anything." I said walking closer to him. 

Then come with me, you need to see this. 

I followed him out of the kitchen and down an old corridor. We stopped in front a set of double doors. This was a part of the castle that clearly wasn't kept up as well or used as often, as there were spiderwebs everywhere. 

He stood in front of the doors. 

"You can look as long as you like but you have to promise me you will return anything you borrow." 

I nodded my head in agreement and Junior opened the doors. Light suddenly blinded my eyes. It was hard to see so I held my hands up to my face. As I walked through the doors my eyes adjusted, and slowly brought my hands away from my face. I was standing on the ground floor of a beautiful library. 

I was completely stunned.

"All of this is yours?" I asked.

He paced with his arms behind his back smiling.

"Technically it was my mothers. It's been in our family for eons. Its may not be the biggest library but it is definitely one of the oldest libraries in the wizarding world. You can pretty much find any information about any spell, beast, or mythical being in these books." He said. 

We walked over to a giant book in the center of the room.  

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