The Book Of Wonder

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He walked over to this giant book sitting on a pedestal in the center of the library. 

"This book right here isn't an ordinary book. In fact if you open it up, its completely blank on the inside." He said opening it to show me. 

"What is it for?" I asked. 

"It's not really a book at all, but a portal to any point in time in the reader's past, present, and future." He said.

"Can this book really predict the future?" I said placing my hand on it. 

"No. No one really can. The future is always changing, different paths open up at every choice we make, it just guesses. But anything from your past is set in stone and you could relive any moment in your life." He said. 

"Just like that?" I asked. 

"The only problem is you don't get to chose which moment you get to relive only the book can pick." He said cautiously.

"Show me." I said. 

He grabbed my hand in his left, as he took his right hand and slammed it onto the book. You could hear a searing as his hand was being burned by the book. He writhed in pain as he squeezed my hand. After a few moments he pulled his hand away from the book. It left a bloody imprint as it started to shake. Ribbons of light were poking through the pages and soon we both were consumed by the light completely.

Once the light died down, we were standing in an office piled high with papers, it looked like we were in the ministry. At his desk seated was none other than Barty Crouch Sr. Glasses on looking over papers. I looked over at Junior who was standing next to me silent, still grasping my hand in his. 

All of a sudden a little boy no older then 10 burst into the room. 

"Father! Father! Look what I've made for you!" He said smiling running towards his father. He took a paper dragon that he had made from his pocket and held it in his hands, presenting it to his father proudly. He stood in front of his father waiting for him to take notice. Instead Mister Crouch's eyes never moved from the papers he was studying. 

"That's nice son." He said meaninglessly. 

Little Junior stuck out his hands farther and pleaded for his father to notice him. 

"Look what I can do father!" He said.

He thrusted the paper dragon into the air and suddenly it began to fly around the office. Little Junior was so happy to see his creation flying and whizzing around the room. Suddenly the paper creature stopped mid flight and burned up. The ashes from the dragon fell softly to the floor in front of Junior and was wide eyed in horror. He looked up at his father who was holding his wand in the air. 

"Junior, you must stop this nonsense at once! I am in here working and I have no time for you! Please leave at once." He yelled. 

Junior's eyes started to fill up with tears. He sniffled wiping the tears from his eyes. 

"Stop that crying at once, Crouch's don't cry." He said sternly to his young son.

Little Junior turned around and ran away from his father, and as he exited the room the light increased and again had to shield our eyes. 

Suddenly I felt cold, I knew exactly where we were. The library in Hogwarts. We both could see a younger Junior no older than 16 sitting at a desk studying for his 5th O.W.L., Charms. As he was studying a note flew over to him and landed in his lap. It read:

Meet me in the ladies lavatories on the 4th floor later tonight

He turned around at looked to see who sent the note. The only other people in the same area as him were these two pretty girls who were giggling. He blushed thinking that it was probably one of them that sent the note. 

Suddenly we felt a shift in time as we watched him leave his seat and walk towards the bathrooms. We followed close behind him watching as he entered the ladies lavatories. He cautiously walked around making sure he and this girl would be alone. 

"Hello?" He whispered.

"I got your note." He said.

As I was standing next to Junior we saw 3 large boys walk in behind younger Junior. 

"We're so glad you did." One of the boys said slyly. 

One of the boys pinned him up against the wall while the other punched him in the gut. 

"You think you're so smart rich boy? Getting all of your O.W.L.s? Not everyone can afford a private tutor, you know!" He yelled punching him in the face. 

He spat out blood.   

One of the boys who was standing back spoke up.

"I think this has gone too far." He said. 

Young Junior looked up at him.

"Please Frank, tell them to stop." 

Frank? Then it hit me, Frank Longbottom. 

Frank stood over his friend's beaten body. One of the boys spoke to Frank.

"Aren't you tired of him getting all of the attention. He stole your ideas for your potential books one day!" One of the boys said. 

We could see Frank getting angrier and angrier. Suddenly he balled his fists and punched young Junior in the face. The other two boys as well as Frank continued to kick and punch him until he was no longer moving. Frank got them to stop.

"Ok, I think he's learned his lesson here." He said to Junior. 

The trio ran away laughing as poor young Junior was continuing to spit up blood and cry in pain. Just then the light became over bearing again. Suddenly we were back in the library. He let go of my hand and walked away from me. 

"Don't speak of anything you saw. If you do, I will kill you myself." He said coldly walking out of the library and slamming the door behind him. 


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