"I don't want to be alone."

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After a few more hours in the plane we finally landed in Ireland. As we were leaving the airport I felt a presence was following us. But every time I turned back to look, no one was there. Had to travel to the coast. At this point I was solely trusting Junior. I didn't have a choice. He was the only one who knew where we were going. After a three hour taxi drive we ended up in a small fishing village. Lucky for us there was one small family run motel that happened to be open still. We walked into the small quant four bedroom house, with a pub on the ground floor, unsure of what we would find. 

There were a few older men sitting at the bar, stinking of fresh caught fish, probably their livelihood. We definitely attracted attention to ourselves. The bar keep noticed us and walked from behind the bar to greet us. He was a portly man with a long mustache. 

"Hello. Welcome to The Rocky Island Inn. Can I get you a drink?" He asked me. 

"Sure!" I said smiling. 

Junior intervened.

"Actually we are in need for a place to stay for the night. My wife and I are very tired." He said placing his hand on my the small of my back. 

I looked up at him confused. He gave me a look and I knew he wanted me to play along. 

"Yes! We are newlyweds and wanted to see the oldest island in Ireland, which is why we're here!" I said in a high voice. 

I over did my performance a little. The portly man didn't see through our rouse though. He waved his hand and turned his back to us. 

"No problem. Follow me."

We walked up the creaky stairs that reminded me so much of the wizarding world. The barkeep showed us to a small room with a bed just big enough for two people. The wallpaper was coming off of the walls and the TV was an old style knob turner. If this really was our honeymoon I would have been pissed. Junior walked around and then looked at the barkeep.

"Thanks, this will do fine." He said. 

"Rate is fifty pounds. First fairy out to the island is at 8AM. Have a good night you two." He said smiling, shutting the door behind him. 

I turned to Junior who took some blankets and pillows and threw them onto the ground. I looked at him and gave him attitude. 

"I am NOT sleeping on the ground!" I said putting my hands on my hips. 

He turned to me continuing putting bedding on the floor parallel to the bed. 

"I don't expect you to. I'm sleeping on the floor." He said 

He took off his shirt revealing his well toned body. I couldn't help myself but to stare. He sat on top of the pile of blankets, which he made into a make shift bed. Pulling the thick comforter over himself he rolled to his side.

"You should get some sleep." He said seriously. 

"I wanted to go downstairs and get a drink at the pub." I said back. 

He rolled over again to look at me. 

"Fine. Do whatever you want, I don't really care, just take some money from my wallet and DON'T get into trouble." He said. 

I didn't say anything to him, just took the money and slammed the door behind me. I walked downstairs to the pub and sat at the bar. 

"I think I'll take that drink please!" I said to the barkeep. 

He poured me 3 pints of ale, something cheap that would help numb the feelings I was experiencing. I chugged the first pint, and as I was starting to down the second pint, one of the men sitting next to me spoke up.

"Married huh? You don't drink like a married woman." He said.

I turned to him wiping the second pint from my lips. 

"What's the matter afraid I can out drink you?" I said laughing.

He scooted next to me one more seat.

"No man can out drink me, especially a woman." He said laughing with his fisherman buddies. 

"How about a bet?" I said.

He laughed at my idea. I took out the five hundred pounds from my pocket and slammed it on the bar.

"Five hundred pounds to the winner. Loser has to pay for the drinks." I said seriously. 

The fisherman in the bar went silent. Even the man that challenged me was silent. His friend nudged him.

"Come on, its just a wee girl. Thats five hundred pounds! You could do it!" He yelled to encourage his friend.

"You know what lass? I take your bet!" He said shaking my hand. 

12 pints later and both of us were burping. Shaking I raised the thirteenth pint to my lips and started to sip. The challenger tried to raise the last pint to his lips but the glass fell out of his hand and onto the floor along with the man. There I stood victorious, drunk, but victorious. 

"Alright fellas....I'm, going to....go to bed now. You've been an amazzzzzzing crowd. Good night." I said slurring my speech. I grabbed the money from the bar and tried to make my way back up to my room. Every step up the stairs seemed like an eternity before I could lay down. Somehow I made it into the room, stumbling of course. 

While the drinking competition raged on, Junior tried to sleep, but with all the noise going on down stairs all he did was toss and turn. So by the time I got back up to the room, he was pissed and awake. I barged into the room, practically stumbling. 

"Barty you missed all the fun!" I yelled loudly at him. 

He sat up in his bed on the floor and folded his arms over his chest like a disapproving  parent.

"Look at you. You're drunk." He said.

I walked over to him and held up my hand mocking him.

"LoOk At YoU. yOu'Re DrUnK." I said back laughing. 

He stood up quick grabbing my wrist. It scared me enough to stop my laughing. I looked behind him as I felt my stomach churn. I knew what was about to happen. I needed to go to the bathroom quick! 

"I'm going to-" I started to say before running to the toilet room, slamming the door, popping the lid open, and proceeding to empty the entire contents of my stomach through my mouth. The pain hurt so bad throughout my back and shoulders. He watched me throwing up and his looked softened. Junior walked over quietly to the door listening to the grossness that was going on behind the door. He raised his hand to the door and softly knocked on it. 

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked genuinely concerned. 

"Yeah. I think. Oh look, is that a piece of my lungs?" I said curiously inspecting the vomit in the toilet. 

He opened the door slightly, hoping I wouldn't be startled. He kneeled down next to me as my face hovered above the toilet. I started to hurl again and felt a warmth on my back. He started rubbing my back, kind of what my mother used to do. 

Suddenly without warning I fainted from the strain of throwing up. Lucky in time Junior was able to catch me. He picked me up in his arms and carried me over to the bed. Softly and delicately he placed me into the bed covering me up in some sheets and blankets. He walked over to the sink, grabbed a wash cloth and dampened it. He then proceeded to wipe my face to get off any remaining throw up. Once he felt like I was clean, he tucked me in and started walking towards his bed on the floor. I rolled over and grabbed his hand before he was able to walk away from me. 

"Wait..." I moaned. 

He stopped immediately and turned back towards me. 

"Stay with me please, I don't want to be alone." I whispered. 

I could feel his hand come closer followed by his body sliding into the sheets next to me. He laid on his back and I rolled over to face him. Without looking at him I placed my head on his chest nuzzling my body right up against his. In that moment it was everything I wanted and needed. I felt his arm wrap around me and pull me in closer. How I could feel safe with an ex Death Eater is anyone's guess, but it just felt right.  

I Alone Remained Faithful (A Wizarding World of Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now