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15th June 1997

I was amidst all crying babies . It was my first day at school . I was really disappointed to see most of my classmates weeping and pleading their parents not to leave them and go. I was the only child who smiled and bade a 'GoodBye ' to my mom.

I was in pre kg. The new pink uniform and the new school bag filled with neatly bounded note books excited me. But after watching the scenario of the 'first day in school' , I waited for the final bell to ring even before the first hour went. Once all the parents left the class room, a group of students in white and blue uniform entered our class. That was the first time we saw each other.

He was a little taller for first standard and was holding hands with one of his girl classmate. Later I came to know that his name was Randhir Shekhawat. He looked into my eyes and smiled for no reason .

The first grade kids danced on the song "come on Barbie, let's go party" and I was the only child who enjoyed watching the dance. After the dance, when they were moving out of our class, he turned his back to look at me while I sat staring at him. That was when the sparks were unknowingly set in my heart ... .

10th March'2002

I had become the hot topic of discussion in the entire school. Everyone had their eyes fixed on me. I knew they were gossiping about me . Tears swelled up in my eyes . It was the biggest humiliation of my 11 years life. I wanted to go and slap that boy on his face for creating such a disgustingly popular concept of giving me a love letter not in hands but on the walls of girls toilet. I was in 4th grade then. The newly admitted guy in my class had this thing with me. He wanted to beat my scores in the beginning but then I don't know what made him play such a cheap trick on me. I stood near the washroom uncertain of what to feel. I was scared of sudden attention and the constant gaze on me. It was break time and students were given 15 minutes to attend their personal needs. But that day they seemed more interested in knowing my story than the needs of their own body. The moment the bell rang ,I ran away from there as I didn't want to answer anyone's curious question .

An hour later, I saw the Head Girl walking towards me.

"What did teachers say Vidhushi ?" I asked.

"Vidz.... It's Just VIDZ okay..."

"Yeah, sorry Vidz ."

"Nothing.... They called his parents. There might be some formalities and then they will forget it. Listen girl, Don't be overly worried OK? You primary section kidz make a big fuss out of everything", she said rolling her eyes and walked towards the games room while I stood cursing my bestie , Arpita for being absent on that day.

That evening, after a series of questions from all the subject teachers and a sky touching cry from the love letter guy, finally it was time to go home . I was relieved. Unlike my usual routine, I avoided going home with my friends and chose to go alone peacefully. There in the campus, I saw Randhir.

RANDHIR SHEKHAWAT was the head boy of primary section and was three grades ahead of me. He was standing there in the middle and was surrounded by a group of students . By his gestures and the expression of the students around him , I understood that he was warning someone.

He was a tall, good looking and a popular kid of the school. Many of my friends had a huge crush on him . I used to notice him every morning during the assembly when he used to stand on the stage and give us commands. I knew words like cute, sweet, handsome and beautiful. But at that age, I didn't know which one to use on him. He was perfectly cute and handsome from the very beginning.

He noticed me looking at them. All the other students turned too.It was only then I realized that Randhir was taking charge of the love letter boy . We exchanged a smile. May it was the moment , when fate started writing its story for us....


Hey everyone ,
It's a short story on sandhir. Hope you like it..

Ignore grammar and mistakes . I'll edit it later.

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