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The expression on his face was unreadable . I found myself drawn to him. For a fraction of second I was out of my mind. I wished that the moment lasted longer....

The cultural programs for the evening were yet to begin . The presidential speech was still going on. The back stage was busy with people waiting for their entry on stage for their performance . I was standing in one of the corners, speaking to one of my friend. I couldn't see Arpita anywhere. God knows where she was with Parth .

As soon as the presidential speech came to an end , the power went off. The back-up powers were arranged but the lights didn't come. Suddenly I was pulled by a strong hand to the back of the auditorium. I felt the pulling hand was not just strong but soft too...a combination of strong and soft! Who else it could be? It was pitch dark and I could not see who it was and that didn't matter. Because firstly I knew karate and am a black belt in it and secondly I knew who it was.

"What?" I asked trying to show some anger.

"You knew it was me. Didn't you?", he asked.

"How would I know? By the way, who are you? I don't have x ray eyes to scan you through the darkness"

"You look beautiful" , he said cutting me in between. "My favorite colour perfectly suits you... I know you always had a thing with sarees since childhood.", he said winking at me or that's what I saw. I could see him smile as he admired me. I was still not sure if I imagined it or really saw it in the dim moon light. I don't know for how long I stood there admiring him while he held my waist.

"Stop Sanyukta ... you are not doing it right", said a voice within me.

With a force I pulled back myself from his hold, only to hit my face . He had held me lightly and I realised I shouldn't have put that much force. With a sudden reflex his hands came near my face to console me and I moved back disappointing him.

"School leader, Mr Randhir Shekhawat is required to be on the stage" , someone announced in mic.

I didn't notice that power had come. He looked deep into my eyes, with a sting of sadness and walked inside the auditorium while just I followed him.


"Bharatanatyam- is an attempt to reach the divine beauty, charms, rhythms and symbols that exist only in heaven. It is a spiritual elevation to both the dancer and the audience." I said and was continued by Randhir. "Let us welcome sristi and team to grace us with the beautiful spiritual experience through their performance" he concluded.

"You look gorgeous when you do that" , he said once we were back stage.

"Do what?" , I couldn't help asking.

Then I thought against it and said- "Forget it.... Thank you." , I just wanted to avoid speaking to this guy.

As I started walking, I heard a fake voice behind me saying, "Your looking Sexy in this blazer, Randhir "

I stopped in my way and turned around to find, Randhir's slutty classmate, Shanaya blowing a kiss at him. He looked at me and smiled saying , "Thanks Shanaya ". I felt something burn inside me.


To be continued....

Plzzz ignore mistakes... as it was back to back update ..

I know you all might be thinking what's paranormal here in this story. All I can say is be patient you'll get to know soon.


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