Lorenzo St. John

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I awaken, weak from vervain. That my siblings kindly injected me with. My eyesights hazy, and the walls and ground around me is nothing but bare, cold metal. They could've at least supplied me with something comfortable. I should've stayed in Washington, they couldn't be just bloody worse than the originals. I lean back against the solid wall. "Morning." Says an unfamiliar voice, almost causing me to leap from my skin. I didn't realise there was anyone in here with me.

"Don't look so startled, love." He says in this strong British accent. I Face the stranger, whose dark hair has managed to stay slicked back, and enhances with his pale complexion. "Who are you?" I knit brows. He chuckles lightly, before responding to my question. "Lorenzo ST. John, love. But you can call me enzo." "I'm Juliet." I tell him. "The salvatores sister? No way." He says, before adding "you're way to pretty to be related to such a posy of monsters." By that I laugh. Something in which I didn't think I'd do down here. But he's right, they are monsters. The last time I saw them, back when Stefan was what they call a ripper and Damon liked to feed on humans, they were fun. More than fun,actually. And I can't believe the time I was away I actually missed them. They've turned into depressed old men. "Anyway why are you down here?" He asks. I sigh, before telling him the whole story. By the time I've finished, he's stunned. "A girls gotta eat." He winks. "Tell me about it." I roll my eyes.

 "Anyway why are you here, Lorenzo St. John?" I ask. "I tried to kill your brother, Stefan." He announces, almost immediate.  and a bubble of anger boils up inside me. Although Stefan did what he just did, I can't help but suddenly get defensive. "You what?!" I scowl. "I had my reasons, darling." He says innocently, although he's not bloody innocent. He might've had his reasons, but I made a vow years ago that if anyone goes near my brothers they won't know what they're dealing with.

The rest of the day he's probably established that I'm angry with him, as I've ignored him all afternoon. He's been shooting glances at me every now and then. It's annoying. "What do you want!" I finally say. He laughs a little. "I want you to stop being mad at me, if we're going to be down here for months on end we've at least got to get along." "You tried to kill my brother. And did you say months?" I raise a brow. "Yes, love. Months at the least. Anyway, we're going to be in here for a while together." Part of me wishes he'd get rid of that bloody accent, as I've always had a soft spot for the British. "I don't give a bloody shit, I'm not speaking to you, Lorenzo St. John." I smile, sarcastically. "Harsh." He mutters beneath his breath.

"You alright in there, Enzo?" Damon asks through the small box window. "Just about." Enzo groans. "I'd love to get you out of here, but you know what stefans like." He smirks. Get him out? Lorenzo seems to notice my bewildered expressions and says "yep, that's right. Me and your brother were bestest of friends, of course until he put me down here that is." I'm stunned by that announcement, but more at the fact that Damon actually has friends? Damon slips two blood bags under the door. "Remember sharing is caring." He says, before leaving. I go to grab both, but Enzo gets to one before me. "You want me to rot down here, do you love?" "Stop calling me love, I'm not your bloody love." I growl. "Woah, temper on you. Maybe I'm wrong, you and you're brothers aren't so different." He says, and he sounds sorta offended and I can't help but be aswel. 

I watch as he dives into the blood bag with thirsty teeth. He consumes it within a second, before glancing at me with big brown eyes. "You got any left?" I shake the bag to show him that it's empty. "Even if I did. Don't think I'd share it." I snarl.

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