Dead or alive?

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Me and Damon search for Stefan for hours. Still no sign of him or Enzo. My heart drops to my stomach. What if stefans killed him? My innocent brother can be not so innocent without his humanity. He's the definition of a monster, like that.
"I'm scared, Damon." Tears well up in my eyes. My throat burns. I can't breathe. I can't breathe without Enzo.
"Don't be so dramatic, we'll find him, don't you worry Juliet." He pats my shoulder a little too hard, but the pains masked by my worry.
"Why did he turn off his humanity anyway?" I scowl. He must've had a pretty good reason, because Stefan knows how he gets. A ripper, the thing he's most afraid of.
"Oh, Caroline forced him too otherwise she'd kill our relative." He shrugs.
"What relative? What!" I widen my eyes. We have family and he didn't even bother to tell me? I'm hurt.
"Sarah. Stefan's been protective over her for years. Hiding her. Just in case she gets in the wrong hands." He informs me.
"Wrong hands? What is she like five?" I raise a brow.
"No, about late twenties. You remember uncle zach's pregnant girlfriend?" He says. It laugh at the reference uncle as zach isn't our uncle, he's actually very much our nephew. Well was. "The one who you drank from her wrist,  then killed her?" I snort.
"Yeah, well they managed to save her baby. And then the beautiful Sarah Salvatore was born." Damon tells me.
We're interrupted by the ringing of Damon's phone. I freeze.
"Hello,brother." Damon says. I can hear Stefan as clear as anything, thanks to my vamp hearing.
"Damon, I have a friend of yours and Juliet's here. Say hi Enzo." Stefan says. I hear Enzo groan in the background.
"Let him go!" I scream.
"Oh, hey Julie. Wanna join your boyfriend? I gathered you two were you know, Abit fond for eachother and seeing as our Lorenzo here is, well, Damon's old bestie. I might aswel use him as leverage." Stefan says slyly.
How can he do this to his own sibling?..
"Please, I'm begging you. What have I done to you? What's Damon done to you?" I sniff. "Oh well that's down to the past. You see, whilst my humanity was on I was weak and forgave Damon for the things he's done. And then you, running off with the guy who tried to murder me?!" His voice is getting angrier but he's laughing too.
"Please!  Where are you? Just tell us!" I scream. Enzo keeps groaning in the background. He's in pain. I want to help him. I want to make him better.
"The barn. Come find me." He chuckles and then hangs up.
"Which barn?!" I turn to Damon, panic rising in my eyes.
"There's only one mystic falls barn, Juliet. And it's about an hours walk." He shakes his head.
What if it's too late by then?
How can I forgive Stefan for doing this to me? The one chance I'm happy and he spoils it! Having no humanity doesn't give him any excuse!

The barns a painted maroon and it looks like a scene from a horror movie. I take a sharp breath and make my way inside. I don't have to be invited in, Stefan must've killed whoever owned it.
"Stefan, I'm here!" I call. Eyes darting across the barn.
Stefan appears in the doorway dragging a tired and half dead looking Enzo. Bloods smeared across his face and his hairs plastered to his clammy cheeks.
"Oh my god, Enzo!" I rush over to him put Stefan shoves me away.
"No touching. Tut tut tut." He smirks. "Stop it! You're evil! You're worse than the mikaelsons!" And that's saying something, seeing as the mikaelsons left me to flee the country for a century until they leave mystic falls for sure.
He holds up a steak in front of Lorenzo and my heart stops.
"Please, what do you want and I'll do it?!" Tears run down my cheeks.
"I want to see you suffer." He grins, he looks like a psychopath.
"How?" I fall to my knees. Weak. Hurt.
"I don't know."
"Well trade me for Enzo?" I can't believe the sentence I just spoke.
Enzos eyes widen. "No!" He grits his teeth.
Stefan inches the steak closer toward enzo.
He lifts it up and shoots it into his chest, but something stops him as the steaks barely an inch away.
Damon injected him with vervain.
Stefan falls to the ground, and Enzo is so weak he falls with him. I rush over to Enzo.
"Enzo, can you hear me?" I clutch his hand.
He groans. A rush of relief hits me. "Thank god." I sigh.
"You shouldn't have came, he could've killed you!" Enzo manages. His voice cracked. "Sh. We're safe now. I came here for you!" I pull him up. Wrapping my arms around him. His palms are warm against my waist.
"Promise me something, Juliet salvatore?" He says.
"Never do that again. Even if I'm dying."
"But, but-" "just don't. It's dangerous." He mutters into my hair.
I don't  know what i would've done if I lost him. We've spent so many months together, so many months. I couldn't cope without him. Not after he saved me from becoming a ripper again. Not after he made me realise it's possible to fall for someone after a 100 years of not doing so.
He's special.

Enzo is in my bed under a duvet. The bloods off of him now and he's beginning to look like his normal self again. I perch beside him.
"Do you know something?" He asks rhetorically. Playing with my hair.
"What?" I smile.
"I never got the chance to tell you what a wonderful night I had with you. You're truly amazing." He tells me in his beautiful British accent. I press my lips against his. The Sparks still their and fresh and new.
I get under the duvet next to him. Resting my cheek against his chest. This is the only place I want to be. I could stay like this forever.
Tears begin to stream down my cheeks again.
"Why are you crying, beautiful?" He frowns.
"Because I'm happy." I say,  nuzzling my face into his neck.

Heartbreak  (Lorenzo St. John fanfiction.)Where stories live. Discover now