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The harsh winters breeze smacks against my skin. My hair plastering against my clammy cheeks. It feels so good to be outside. To be free.
Pulse.beat.pulse.beat.thump. I sense the acquaintance of a fresh human being from a mile off. I hear the blood flow delicately through their veins. So pure. So new. Food. As I get ready to pounce a firm grip clasps my arm. "Enzo?" I scowl. "What are you doing here?" After we managed to escape me and enzo agreed to both go our separate ways. "Well you should be bloody glad I am here. You were just about to prove your brothers right!" He raises a brow. "Come on I'm starving." I pout. He hands me a blood bag. I hate those limited things. "Come on, I want something warm. I've been living off those for weeks." I groan. Snatching it from him anyway. "It can do for now, until I teach you control." He smirks. He was more fun in that tiny cell. "God, you're just like them." "Like whom?" Enzo says in his soft British accent. "My brothers. You won't let me feed. You used to be fun less than an hour ago and now look at you." I throw the remains of the blood bag onto the floor, like a two year old having a strop.
"Come on, love. How about we come to an agreement, I'll teach you control and then you can go and eat as many people as you like. Just don't kill them. You can call it a deal with the devil if you like." He winks. I wish he wouldn't wink. He looks so damn sexy. My heart thumps a little faster and I'm afraid he may hear it. I slap myself. It must be the hunger talking. "Hardly, the devil would at least let me leave a trail of some bodies." I attempt to do that sexy smirk he does but it doesn't work. "Oh SHUTUP you." He chuckles. "Make me." I say. And for a few seconds our gazes meet. His chestnut brown eyes gazing deeply into mine. I can feel the sexual tension hovering around us. For a moment I think he's going to kiss me as he inches a little closer, so close, that were barely a centimetre apart. But..

My eyes flutter open. Leaves crunch beneath my palms. "What the fuck!" I squint through the sunlight at Enzo whose perched on the edge of a bench, fiddling with some twig. He snapped my neck that British bastard. "Oh you're awake, splendid." He grins. Revealing dimples on each side of his cheek. "Unfortunately." I groan. Forcing myself up. "I saw the way you looked at me you know." He winks again. UGH DAMMIT. "I don't know what you're talking about." I avoid his glare. "HM, you know,love. Looking at me so seriously, so.. You know that get in my bed look that porn stars make?" He snorts. "You're referring me to a porn star!" I yell. Arms folded across my torso. "Joking, love." "Whatever, love." I stomp. Marching away from him. "Hey, where do you think you're going?" He yells. "To get some food." I smile sarcastically. Before I know it he's infront of me. I want him to stop me. I want him to hold me back. But instead he shakes his head and walks away. "Given up on me so soon?" I raise an arched brow. "I tried, I Really did Juliet." He holds his palms up. I don't know what to say. So I don't say anything. I leave. Wiping away the tears that roll down my cheek.

Heartbreak  (Lorenzo St. John fanfiction.)Where stories live. Discover now