The dance

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The sun sets. Casting orange shadows across the forest ground. Enzo is sat against a tree, palms wrapped around his knees. "I hate being on the run." I groan. "Well if you'd rather be in the basement, I'd be happy to escort you their." He winks. "How kind of you." I roll my eyes. I glance down at my ripped jeans with soil and mud scattered across the legs. I haven't changed in a month.
"Come on." He lifts out his hand. I take it. It's warm and soft. "Where are we going?" I ask, dusting the dirt from my clothes. "There." He points to a gazebo in the distance, I didn't notice it before.

Fairly lights twinkle like stars around it. Some Speaker is connected to it and soft music plays. It's the first beautiful thing I've seen in ages. "Wow." I widen my eyes. Acknowledging the view. "Wow indeed." He smiles. A proper smile. Not just a smirk or a sarcastic grin. He actually smiles. And he looks beautiful.
"Dance with me?" He requests. "I haven't danced in years." I glance at the floor and blush. "Me either." He smiles again. That damn smile, it must be as supernatural as him. Our fingers lace together, his other hand on my waist. We dance. We dance and it's amazing. It's beautiful. Butterflies flutter in my stomach.
And I'm actually happy, for once I'm happy. We're so close his breath tickles against my neck. I want him to kiss me. But then I don't want to stop dancing. And then I realise something, I'm falling for him. I've fallen for Lorenzo St. John and I'm pretty sure he's fallen for me too.

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