Chapter 4: Decorating

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Chapter 4: Decorating

I put my keys in the lock, twisting it for it to open.

I go inside, closing the door behind me. Today has been ruff.

I see Grayson on the couch playing video games. He looks up and shoots me a small smile. I give him one back.

"I-I didn't know Kayleigh," he says, I close my eyes and inhale.

I exhale once I open my eyes.

"It's ok," I say, he smiles and opens his arms for a hug.

I hesitate before wrapping my arms around his neck, he squuezes me lightly before letting go.

I head towards my room.

I open it and scowl, I need to buy more decorations.

I'm sure Kaile won't mind buying....

I wait for Kaile to come home.

"Hey Kaile......" I start.

"Hey Kayleigh!" He cheerfully says.

"Can I buy some deco?" I ask.


I squeal and give him a hug.

I go upstairs to change. I change into an adidas top and some shorts. I put on my Superstars and take my purse, stuffing Kaile's credit card in my wallet.

I hop in my pulsar and start driving.

I get to the mall pretty quickly, heading into Target. (Tar-gét!) Luck is with me when I run into Rina.

The annoying bitch.

The one that won't leave me alone.

Not even after school.

"Hey Kayleigh!" She squeaks. Now that I think about it, she could be apart of the squeaker squad.

"Hi Rina," I mumble.

"Whatcha here for?" She asks, nosy much?

"Deco, for my room," I answer.

"Your brother is really hot," she admits. Sorry he doesn't go for twig bitches like you.

I stare at Rina.

I decide before I say it.

"He doesn't go for twig bitches like you," I say. Here's the thing about Haley and I, I get over protected by Haley. And he gets over protected by me.

Rina is taken back by surprise.

"Excuse me?!" She screeches.

"Yep," I say popping the 'p'.

She huffs before finally going away from me. Took her long enough.

I go to the deco aisle. I see fairy lights, pegs. The pegs would be able to pin my pictures on the string of the fairy lights.

I put it in my trolley.

I look around for pillow cases and blankets.

I decide on pillowcases that say 'Hello I'm a superhero' and 'Hello I'm here to save the world' and a white blanket with Hena in one of the corners. I put that in my trolley too.

I pick a rose gold moon and a pot plant thats fake.

I grab black paint to paint my drawers with and the walls with random pictures.

I start to turn my cart to go to another aisle until I hit a cart. I look up to see Benny? Leo comes from behind him.

"Hey Kayleigh!" Leo cheerfully says. What's odd about them is that they both are dressed similar to a ninja. Just without the red band.

"Hi?" I question.

"We're just buying toilet paper to tp the principals house," Benny says motioning to their cart. I nod my head clearly confused.

"Oh, tommorow is acceptence night for you. You gotta help us do something naughty," Leo says, I smile and nod my head, biting my lip.

They smile and turn the other way, running off to buy the toilet paper.

I go into the next aisle, looking for mirrors. I find one like the ones that superstars have, the ones that have the lights around the mirror. I put that in my trolley.

I pick out a black carpet with white flowers on it. For my desk I brought a half whiteboard/ half chalkboard.

I smile as I pay for them. Or should I say Kaile...

I hop in my pulsar and drive back home.

I take out what I can hold, opening the door.

I enter struggling with my stuff, I look back to see Grayson helping me.

I set my stuff down in the middle of my room. So does Grayson.

I smile at him and he smiles back.

Time to get decorating.


I just described my dream room.

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702 words.

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