Chapter 7: New Friends

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I swear to fucking god I ship Kayleigh and Leo so bad.....Layleo! S' cutttteeeee

Chapter 7: New Friends

I smirk as I enter school.

1 is because I won prank wars and 2 is because I drew a dick on Haley's forehead.

I go to my locker. I start taking my books out until I feel a presence. I turn around to see Leo.

"Hey Leo!" I cheerfully says, he just smile and nods at me. Weird.

"Ok, please move or else I'll be late to history," I explain, he just keeps smiling and nodding. That's when I get annoyed.

"Leo. Move," I growl, again he smiles and nods.

"You asked for it," I mumble before slapping him across the face.

Everyone must've heard because they're all looking at me and Leo.

I look at Haley and he looks pissed I hold in a laugh. I glance at the position we're in. I shove Leo hard that he stumbles back.

He looks at me confused.

"What did I do?" He asks with concern. Is he fucking dumb?!

"Really Leo?" I say.

His mouth shapes an 'o'.

"FUCKING STOP STARING AT US!" I yell. They all turn back to what they were doing.

Why does this feel oddly familiar?

"Um, Kayleigh will you go on a date with me?" Leo asks. I smile at Leo.

"No, I'd rather the more romantic way," I say, he nods his head and hangs his head low as he goes over to his friends.

I head my way to history making it just in time.

Unfortunately all the middle seats were taken. I mentally groan and take a seat next to a really curly haired girl.

"Hi! I'm Liza!" She introduces. I bite my lip.

"Kayleigh," I answer, she smiles.

"Welp, history! Learning about dead people! So fun!" She sarcastically says.

"I know!" I reply, she laughs.

"So, Kayleigh. Got any crushes??" She asks, I think she thinks we're already friends.

"No. Kind of," I say biting my lip.

She smirks.

"Well, if you want you can sit with me at lunch," she says, I smile and nod my head.


I enter the cafeteria with Liza. She sits down on a table and I do the same.

2 other people come sit with us.

"Guys, this is Kayleigh," Liza says.

"I'm Tyler!" The guy said. I'm guessing his gay.

"I'm Scarlett!" The girl says, she has blonde hair and brown eyes. While Tyler has golden hair and multi coloured eyes.

Leo comes and sits next to me.

"We're still friends right?" He whispers, I nod my head.

"By the way, I lied about the romantic way. I've never had a boyfrend or my first kiss. Haley is probably why," I explain, he lets out a sigh of relief.

"Hi Leooooo!" Scarlett cheers.

"Scarlett fuck off," Leo grumbles. How do they know each other?

"Sorry lil' bro. No can do," she smirks. Oh, they're siblings.

"1 minute. 1 minute older than me," he mutters.

I look at Liza who's staring at Junior. Oh.

This should be fun.

I get up and walk over to the basketball team table, I sit down next to Junior. I look at Liza and smile.

"Hey Junior!" I cheerfully say.

"Hey Leigh!" He replies.

"You single?" I ask.

"Yes, but I'm crushing on a girl that's way out of my league," he says.

"Describe this girl," I command.

"She short, has really curly hair. Adorable eyes. Is hilarious," he says.

"That sounds like Liza," I mumble loud enough for him to hear.

"It is," he states.

"She's free on friday. And I know for a fact she likes you. Ask her, she'll say yes," I smile. He thanks me and I walk to Liza.

"I just got you a date with Junior!" I shout, she looks at me with wide eyes before crushing me in a hug. Leo is still fighting with Scarlett and Tyler went somewhere.

Weird friends I have.



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