Chapter 6: Prank War

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Chapter 6: Prank War

"Kayleigh! You know what time of the month is?" Haley yells.

Let me guess, my period. Nope thank god that was last week.

Let me guess...Prank war.

I groan and throw a pillow at Haley.

"Is Kaile playing too?" I ask.

"Yep, and Grayson. Oh and Ethan," Haley says. I smirk a plan already coming into my head.

"It starts.....NOW!" Haley announces. I get up and change into black leggings, a black teeshirt and my all black nike rooches.

I pack some clothes with my pranking stuff.

Prank wars go on for the rest of the month.

What better to do than to mess with your brothers head.

I smile and run to my pulsar. I head out to the streets looking for a pregnant woman.

I grab a pregnancy test and give it to her.

"Hi! My name is Kayleigh and I really need you to show me how to use this," I lie.

"Honey it has instructions," She replies.

I look down at the ground. Acting as if I was ashamed.

"I-I can't read," I lie, she gasps and goes into the bathroom to take the test.

I am amazing at acting.

She returns and hands the stick to me. I thank her after she's finished explaining and hop back in my pulsar.

I arrive home in a short amount of time. Making sure I enter crying.

I open the door and Haley and Kaile are currnetly fighting over a prank. I sniff and the look at me.

"Kayleigh what happened?" Kaile asks. I look at him with sad eyes while I hand him the pregnancy test.

His eyes go wide.

"You haven't even had your first kiss! Are you sure?" Kaile asks.

"Yes I'm sure. You know why? Because I haven't had my fucking period for a month!" I yell, lies. I had my period last week. Thank the lord the boys didn't know.

"Who's the dad? It better not be Grayson. Oh fuck. You're pregnant. Fuck," Haley yells.

"It was an accident! Do you honestly think I want any of this! No!" I yell. Man I should get a grammy award for acting.

Kaile looks like his about to cry and Haley is mad as fuck. I bit my lip to refrain from laughing my ass off.

A few minutes of silence till we hear a bang.

Grayson comes running down with Ethan's clothes.

"Hide these," he says to Haley. Haley glares at Grayson.

"Now is not the time. And we're calling off prank wars," Haley says.

"Why isn't it the time?" Grayson asks.

"Because we just found out Kayleigh is pregnant!" Kaile yells. Grayson flinches.

I let a chuckle out.

Haley glares at me.

I let a loud laugh out.

Kaile looks at me like I've grown 2 heads.

"I'm not pregnant!" I yell.

"How did you get the test positive?" Haley asks.

"Went to a random pregnant lady on the street. Asked her if she could take this pregnancy test and explain it to me because I 'couldn't' read," I explain.

They all look at me. Looks like I win.

"She wins," They all say at the same time. I smirk and flip them off before doing the running man.


Thats what my sister did once when she was trying to prank me. She went out in public and asked a random pregnant lady for her to take a pregnancy test.

Dont ask how. I dont know.

Anywayssssssssss. This book is going nicely.

A semi long chapter to make up for my short one.

Check out PhotoGraph! ;)


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