Chapter 18: Lela

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Chapter 18: Lela

I stayed in bed for a good amount of days. Only getting up to drink, shower or eat. Luca, Leo and Grayson would occasionally check on me, worried that I would pull another stunt.

Luca entered my room, I remain staring at the ceiling. "What happened to me?" I ask softly, Luca snaps his head towards me. "What happened to me?" I ask again, this time looking at Luca.

He sighs, running a hand over his head. "I don't know Angel. I don't know." Well I wish he did. I want to know why I'm so broken. Why I'm so....Weak.

"I miss her," I say, Luca smiles softly. "I miss Lela, she didn't deserve it. She didn't deserve anything that bastard did to her, she was such an amazing friend."

Luca nods in agreement. "It's never been the same," he states. It has never been the same since Lela died. "But Angelica you need to get off your lazy ass and do something active!" Luca says to me. Like he says everytime he checks up on me. "What have you been eating anyway?" He asks curiosly. I point to the box in the corner.

"Cheerios. I've been eating Cheerios," I say. He groans and pulls me to him.

He kisses my temple. "You need to eat real food," he says.

I close my eyes. "I can't. It's to hard, I'm seeing her everywhere."

"Then talk about her," Luca whispers.

"Remember when we had that picnic on that really hot day, and there were so many old people we decided to sneak out with Lela? And we ended up getting caught by my great aunt Catherine?" I ask Luca. He stares at me for a second before bursting into laughter.

He nods his head. "I remember! We were going to go skydiving because Lela wanted to 'fly'. And we were sneaking out and I tripped over someones cane and it was your great aunt Catherine!" He says with so much energy.

"Or that time it was snowing and Lela wanted to build a snowman? And she went and she forgot her gloves, we ended up having a snowball fight!" I claim.

He chuckles softly and I look him in the eye. "Let me be with Lela," I demand. I want to be with my sister. I want to be with her.

Luca huffs. "I get that you want to be with Lela, but what about us? What about all the people who care about you?" He asks. "Maybe we should conplete the bucketlist that we all made together."

I let a tear fall from my eye. "But we're meant to do it with her," I say softly.

Luca looks at his watch. "I've got to go Angel, I'll be back." He kisses my forehead and gets off of the bed. He walks to the door, giving me a little wave before exiting.

I close my eyes and sniff.


"Lela!" I yell once I get to school, it's been forever without my sister from another mister!

Lela groans as she tries to fix up her braided hair. "Kayleigh Angelica Rose, don't you dare mess up my hair again!" She scolds me. I roll my eyes at her and ruffle her hair before sprinting off.

She screams and runs after me. I weave through all the students, some shooting me dirty looks. I shrug it iff and continue running until I see Luca.

"Luca!" I yell out, he looks at me and smiles, before going into worry when he sees me charging at him like a raging bull.

He screams before I dodge him, using him as a sheild from Lela, I hear an oof sound and see Lela's on the ground and Luca is swaying back and forth.

"Tell the world to stop spinning," Luca says inbetween groans. I chuckle at his comment.

The bell rings and we hug goodbye before heading off to class.

End of flashback.

I bite back the tears. I want to be strong for Lela.

But I can't.

And then the tears flowed.


is it bad I started crying while writing this? And no the chapter is not short. As matter or fact it is 743 words.

Sorry for my lil rant tho.

Anyyyyways, I didnt want to not update this book because I was going to update PhotoGraph and The Alpha and The Omega so I thought. Eh? Why the fuck not?


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