Chapter 15: Horvendale High

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Chapter 15: Horvendale High

I don't get why we're playing a team that's not even from LA.

I hear a thud come from Haley's room.

I run up to see him on the floor.

His still shaken up from Nathan. I am too, finding out that he almost raped me.

I take my basketball bag and head out to my pulsar.

I arrive at school only to see coach slapping the back of Jericho's head.

I step out of my pulsar and approach them.

Hands snake around my waist and I instantly know it's not Leo's.

"Miss me?" Nathan chuckles.

I take his arm and twist it.

He lets go of me and I turn to face him.

I look at his bruises.

"Nice makeup," I say smugly.

Benny and Jordan are by my side, followed by the whole team.

Nathan looks at each and everyone of them. "Awww! Kayleigh has to have back up to win a fight!" He says in a baby voice.

Bitch you're messing with the wrong person.

I ball my hands in a fist before throwing a punch to his already broken nose.

The team 'ooohhs' and 'ahhhhs'.

His team suddenly comes and helps him.

"Now who's the one who needs backup?" I ask.

Nathan glares at me. "You bitch!" He yells.

His team, a.k.a my old teamates look at me and gasp.

"Kayleigh?" They ask at the same time.

I scoff. "No, my name is Tina and I'm Kayleigh's doupleganger," I say sarcastically.

Garrett steps from the team.

"So glad we got rid of you. You were to good for this team," he says, the thing about Garrett is his dopey.

"What the fuck man? You don't say she's to good you say she sucks! How hard is that?" Weston, the annoying one says.

I roll mt eyes and walk towards our gym, my team following.

We enter only to see a white sheet in front of us.

I look at them confused before. "And now Kayleigh Rose 5'5, point guard and captain of the basketball team!" Coach announces, Benny pushes me out and I start jogging, ripping the white sheet.

Coach introduces the rest of the team as the gather around me.

"3. 2. 1. MIGHTY MIGHTY LION ROAR. MIGHTY MIGHTY LION ROAR!" We chant, Leo clears his thoat. "WE ARE THE LIONS ROAR SO LOUD!" The whole school copies him. "BIG STRONG LIONS!" Benny yells. I clear my throat, "WE STAND TALL AND PROUD. WE ARE THE LIONS SAY IT LOUD!" I scream as loud as I can.

"LION, LION, LIONS!" The whole school cheers.

Isn't this fun?

Coach passes me the ball and I go for a layup on the right side.

I see Grayson, Ethan, Haley and Kaile in the crowd.

"Hey Kayleigh! We'll beat your lions ass anyday!" Nathan yells.

I roll my eyes and shoot.

The ref blows the whistle, indicating that we have to huddle up.

"Ok. Rose, Winston, Johnson, Seton and King you guys start. For defense do a 2, 2, 1 press," he says as he marks x's on his coaching board. "Rose, go on that Nathan fellow. I know for a fact you can stop him. Seton, do jump ball. Winston make sure you pass if Kayleigh is free on the fast break. Remember to run 'Dogs'. Now kill those wasps!" Coach says.

We run out to the court, getting position for jump ball.

Jordan is taller than France,  France gulps as he sees Jordan.

The ref blows his whistle, before throwing the ball up in the air.

Jordan taps it to me and I pivot, passing it to Benny who's posting up (sorry. I cant explain posting up because im a point guard. I know how to post up its just I dont know how to explain it.). He takes a drop step to the middle of the key, doing a hook shot.

It goes in, and our school cheers.

Jason my old team mate goes and inbounds the ball.

Nathan runs to it, Jason passing it to him. I run and catch the ball, going on a layup to the left side.

Nathan pushes me down.

"Foul on 64 blue. 2 shots."

I go to the foul line.

Shooter's eye mentality.

I chant in my head, it goes in and I mentally cheer.

Shooter's eye mentality.

I goes in again and Leo pats me on the back.

Jason goes to inbound agin and Nathan runs to it (Again.).

When I go for the intercept he pushes me down.

I fall down on my arm, it making a sickening crack.

I scream in pain and I feel like everything is going in slow motion.

I see Grayson running down as fast as he can towards me.

I try to keep my eyes open, but I feel so tired.

"I'll see you soon Lela."


So nathan is a psychotic bastard.

Oh my.

Who is Lela?

*wiggles eyebrows while impersonating Liza's laugh*

And Lela's name is pronounced Leh-Lah.

Kay? Not Lee-La.




-grace is currently having a drink called the milo dinosaur

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