Chapter 19: Family

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Chapter 19: Family

For the first time since my break down and the talk with Luca I head down stairs. Ready to face the lectures from Kaile and the ranting from Haley.

I cough a little and they look at me, I flinch, waiting to hear the lecture from Kaile and the ranting from Haley, instead. I'm pulled into a hug.

"Why?" Kaile whispers, Lela would be Kaile's age. 20 this year. He misses his girlfriend as much as I do.

I look at him. "I know you miss her, and so do I," I say simply. Kaile blushes deeply. Luca enters with a bag of KFC and I eye the bag, he looks up and drops the bag before running to me.

I run to him to, dodging him at the last second, heading for the food. I pick it up, cradling it like a baby.

Luca puts a hand on his forehead. "She gets out of the room, I'm her bestfriend, AND SHE GOES TO THE FOOD!" He yells out the last part and I giggle.

He smiles and I go up to hug him. It feels good to finally walk around again, Kaile stands up. Wait for it-

"Do you know how much school you've missed?" He says putting his hand on his hips, I roll my eyes. Here we go. "You need education, I know Lela's death has been affecting you alot lately-she did only die last year- but you need to-"

"Let her be. She'll make up for it," Luca says, waving Kaile off with his hand. Kaile groans and slumps on the couch.

I smile as he pats the seat next to me. We sot down and put in 'The Nightmare On Elm Street', Haley's all time favorite movie.

During the movie my phone dings and I lower the screen brightness.

Group Chat: Basketballlllllllll


Jordan: So am I.

Leigh: Y'all just interrupted my family and I from watching A Nightmare On Elm Street

Junior: Leigh! You go off for how many weeks?! Leaving me hanging, and then you come back saying that?!

Dms: Jordan(1)

Jordan: Leo thinks Luca is going to replace him.

Leigh: Well tell Leo that Luca is basically my bestfriend, from all that shit that happened to me when I was younger HE supported me. AND he has a girlfriend.

Group Chat: Basketballlllllllll

Leigh: Sorry. Just some stuff that's been happening....


Jericho: you fucktard, you weren't meant to tell Leigh!

Leigh: Cool. I dont give a fuck, he has done some bad things to me.

Dms: Unknow Number(1)

Unknown Number: Are you ok?

Kayleigh: Who is this?

Unknown Number: Liza. I realised that I didn't have tour number.

Contact Number changed to "Liza"

Leigh: Ok, sweet.

I shut off my phone, putting it on do not disturb and setting it down. Life can be fucked up.

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Filler chapter....

So....Photgraph is finished.......

cries. .......


Guess who's making a 2 new books in the mixed series! <-Me thats who!

It's called Tour》S.M (shawn mendes fanfic)

And Fair>> L.D (liam Dunbar from teen wolf....)


Yaaaaay! And there will be chapyers that I decided not to write put up on PhotoGraph kind of like bonus chapters.

The Alpha and The Omega is coming along nicely if I do say so my self.



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