Chapter 13: Nathan

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Chapter 13: Nathan

Song: Waterfalls
Artist: TLC (an 90's girl group)

"Nathan?" I say shocked.

Nathan was Haley's bestfriend.

They were like two peas in a pod.

Until Haley's girlfriend named Melissa cheated on Haley with Nathan.

"What are you doing here Kayleigh?" Nathan asks.

"Shopping," I answer gruffly.

"I'm sure Haley would like to see me," Nathan says.

"See you my ass. Haley hates you. Keyword; Hate," I growl.

"He doesn't hate me," He says.

I roll my eyes. "Totally. 'Cause Haley likes being friends with a cheating back stabbing douche bag," I spit.

Leo appears beside me.

Nathan raises one eyebrow. "Is this your boyfriend? Never knew Haley would let him," He says as he looks Leo up and down.

"Nathan just fuck off!" I say.

I swear to mother fucking god if he doesn't go I will castrate him and burn him alive.

Nathan smirks.

Charlotta approaches Nathan.

"Hey baby!" She squeals as she junps in his arm.

"Baby?!" We all say at the same time.

"Yeah his my boyfriend!" She cheers.

"Let's just hope he doesn't cheat," I smile, Charlotta looks at me.

"Cheat? What do you mean cheat? All I know is Nathan is pure," she claims.

Pure my ass.

"My brother Haley was Nathan's bestfriend. My brother was dating a girl named Melissa, on their 3 year anniversary she decided to go fuck this good man!" I explain.

Charlotta whips her head to look at Nathan. So fast I thought her head was going to fall off. "You lied to me!"

Well his in for deep shit.




Havent updated this book in forever!

The other say I saw the last few episodes of Teen Wolf season 6.

They made me cry, but then again they always do.

And I'm so confused as to why Peter is still alive.

I mean how many times was he close to death and he lives! Like oh my fuck just die already!

Welp thats all!


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