Chapter 11: Grayson is Jealous

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Chapter 11: Grayson is Jealous

Leo sat next to me at the cafeteria table.

Scartlett sat next to Leo, Tyler and Liza opposite me.

I smile as Leo slings his arms around my shoulder.

"Nawwww! So darn freakin' cute!" Liza says, I smile and blush abit.

Grayson and Ethan enter, Grayson looks at Leo and I.

He approaches me smiling slightly.

"Hey Leigh!" He says.

"Hi, what you need?" I ask.

Leo stops eating his burger, paying full attention to Grayson and I's conversation.

"I was wondering if.....You'd like to go on a date?" He asks, Leo snorts.

"What!" Grayson yells at Leo.

"She's taken, by me," Leo claims.

"She is?" Grayson asks.

"Yep," I confim, popping the 'p'.

His lips twitches down and he walks away.


I walk into english, hilding my books against my chest.

I sit next to Tyler.

"Hey Ty," I greet.

"Hey Leigh, I heard you're dating Leo! Give me the deets!" He replies.

"Ok, 1. Don't ever say 'deets' and 2. Yes and he asked me so romantically!" I gush.

"Awww! Girl, the guy I like is way outta my league. You are lucky!" He says, time for Ms. Cupid to come out.

"Who is this boy?" I ask.

"Well his name is Benny King," he says.

Wait isn't Benny dating Jordan?

"Yes unfortunately," Tyler says.

Shit I said that out loud!

"No you didn't," Tyler explains.

Ok what the fuck is Tyler a mind reader or some shit?


What the fuck?

"I know right. It's amazing!"

I'm really scared shit less.

"I'm joking girl. I always do that to people. I've had to say that a thousand times that I know everyone's reaction!" He explains.

I feel tapping on my shoulder and I turn to see Grayson.

"Yes?" I sweetly ask him.

"When did you start dating? Do you know when you're going to breakup? How-"

I cut him off by waving my hand.

"Stop!" I yell.

He just keeps tapping my shoulder.




Gray you feelin' a lil some thin?

I legit know Liza would say something like that.


The Alpha and The Omega will be very short.

Just letting you know.

I decided to call this series The Mixed Series.

Ohhh I cant wait.

Ooooohhh wawaaa


398 words.

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