Chapter 26: Will You Love Me Forever and Always?

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Grayson looked at me, "What would you do if someone told you they loved you?" He asks.

I looked at him puzzled, "Like a relative?" 

"Like a boyfriend."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Say I love you too. Why?" I replied.

"Because I live for you, I breathe for you, I eat and sleep for you. You are my muse. You are what's keeping me going everyday Kayleigh Angelica Rose, and I Love you."

i was shocked, Grayson Bailey Dolan, the guy I thought hated me, that loved to annoy me...Actually loves me?

"Well Grayson, I love you too."

His eyes widened and he crashed his lips onto mine, I responded, wrapping my arms around Grayson's neck. Pulling him closer to me.

"You want to go further?" He asked, "because we can stop if you want to. Because I would love to do this, but I don't want to pressure you. I know you're a virgin and I just stole your first kiss, bu-"

"Did I ask you to stop?" I said, looking at Grayson's eye, "Did I ask for your opinion?" 

He smiled before attacking my lips.


I woke up with Grayson's arm wrapped around my waist. I watched him as he slept. I studied his features, his sharp jawline, the freckle on his chin, his lashes, his hair. 

Great, now I'm becoming the cliché girl watches guy sleep after sex! Grayson's eyes opened and he smirked at me, "Checking me out?"

"Sorry, I was wondering why god spent time on me and only spent a second on you."

Grayson gasped, putting a hand over his heart, "I thought you loved me!"

I kissed him on the lips, "That I do my love."

"That I do."


It's finished, Opinion>>D.T is really finished. I'm crying I can't breath anymore!

Opinion is finished...

Ok guys, just to clear up, if you haven't read PhotoGraph (which I recommend you do bc there's going to be a sequel to this.) already you would know that Grayson and Ethan turn 17 on their birthday and in this it says their 17, please excuse the horrid timeline. They're meant to be 16 in this, so when they transferred they would be turning 18.

The same goes for Kayleigh Rose. 

And Mattea 

Star is a different story, she's meant to be 17 in her book because she failed, and so did Will. The ended up failing again in senior year and she got expelled and had to move.

By the way there will be an epilogue, and it leads onto a sequel called Memories. That is also the sequel to PhotoGraph (so I would suggest reading that before you read the sequel) because it will reveal plots etc etc, all the books are linked together somehow.

I also found out NightShade is a real thing.


ANYWAY, look out for the epilogue and the sequeeeellllllll!


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