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Let's start with a cute one,this one was inspired by another one shot I read and by an audio I heard so please enjoy.


(C/n) POV

I jolted up awake breathing heavy with my heart racing a million miles per hour,I touch my forehead feeling sweat going down my forehead as I wipe it off.I looked to my night stand and look at my clock,'3:00 am...' I thought,I take the covers of my bed off my body as I sit up by the side of the bed.I stand up walking to my door as I open it making sure not to make any noise.I walk down the stairs quiets towards the kitchen to get my self a glass of water,as I pour it I look around the kitchen and spot a picture of my Grandfather holding me in his arms.

I feel the tears prickling the corners of my eyes as I unconsciously drop the glass breaking it as I fall to the floor crying.Just two days ago I got the news of my Grandfather passing away of a terminal illness,his funeral was going to be in the morning and I still couldn't digest the fact that....he was gone.I regret not ever going to visit him or my family after I moved out,they told me the last thing he wanted to do before he died was to see me and my siblings.I never took the time to go and see him one last time,as I cried I heard fast footsteps coming down the steps before the light of the kitchen was turned on.

"(C/N)!"My roommate and crush (Y/n) yelled in a panic kneeling next to me

"What happened?!"She asked before I shook my head and cried even harder

"He's g-gone (Y/n)....GONE! The last thing he wanted to do was to see ME!"I yelled in my hands covering my face as I cried,she was well aware of the situation since she was also one of my best friends since freshman year.

"I'm so sorry,I'm so so sorry"She said grabbing me and pulling me into a hug as I cried in her chest.We stayed like that with me bawling my eyes out and she hugging me for about 5 minutes before I calmed down,I gently pulled away and rubbed my eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with me like that...."I said

"It's ok I will comfort you if you need me to....cmon let's clean your hand and the glass up"She said grabbing my injured hand,I didn't even noticed it had a cut until she pointed it out.

*+*+*Very small time skip*+*+*+*

After we cleaned up my hand and the glass we both went upstairs to our rooms,we stood in front both of our doors hugging with (Y/n) rubbing small circles in my back.

"You better get some sleep for the funeral tomorrow again I'm sorry"She said gently pulling away.

" thanks...."I said

"No problem tell me if you need anything"She said as she started going in her room but I quickly grabbed her wrist.

"I'm sorry (Y/n) but....*sigh* I just....don't want to be alone tonight nor tomorrow and I was wondering if you could come with me tomorrow since you also knew him...and if you could sleep with me....NOT IN THE BAD WAY! WE WOULDNT DO ANYTHi-"I was cut off by (Y/n) shushing  me with a hug.

"I know what you mean and of course I will go with you"She said as I sighed in relief and hugged her back,I pulled away as we entered my room and shut the door behind us.I went under the covers and moved to the side given (Y/n) some space to lay down,she layed next to me with her back facing me.I instinctively put an arm around her waist and putting my face On her hair,I took in a little bit of her scent as she relaxed in my arms and breathed softly.

"I love you...."I whispered in her hair.

"Hm? Did you say something?"She asked half asleep

" nothing pfft I didn't say anything I'm not weird your weird uh-"

"I love you too..."She whispered back before falling back asleep,I sighed in relief and kissed her head before closing my eyes and falling asleep with the women of my dreams in my arms.


Aaaww Reader-Chan and Crush-Sama make a cute couple....I ship it and I know it was kind of short anyways hope you enjoyed and Buh-Bye~

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