Womanizer 🚹🚺

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Eeeeeey wassup yall look I know you hate me so I'm very sorry about not publishing in so long I won't make any excuses and just say that I'm sorry and it was all my fault to make it up to you guys I'll be posting requests and I'll be posting more often also this is a Player crush x reader anyway I'll stop my blabbering and start with this
(F/s):Favorite Show
(F/n):Friends name
(F/n2):Friends name 2
3rd Person POV

It was loud and obnoxious night for you bright lights of different colors flashed everywhere you looked, music you've never listened to blasts loudly as everyone around you parties, drinks and hooks up.

Your friends had convinced you to go out with them, you thought they ment like going out to eat, the movies, roller skating or even the circus. Not once in your mind did you think about a club, but you should've seen it coming since your friends are party animals. You would've obviously declined going to a club but you had no Idea.

You sit on the bar drinking water since it was the only non alcoholic drink that was on the menu, your friends were doing shots next to you while you just stared at your cup thinking about how much you wished you were curled up in blankets while watching (F/S) and eating ice cream.

"Cmon (Y/n)! Hicc You only live once!" (F/n) slurred their words as they spoke, their breath smelled of pure alcohol. You were impressed on how they were keeping themselves up.

"Uh... no thanks I'm good..." You say trying to go back on spacing out.

"Aw cmon! Don't be such a party pooper!" (F/n2) Said holding a beer up to you which you pushed away.

"Ugh seriously you guys, you couldn't tell me we were coming to a club?" You said frustrated.

"We know that if we said anything! Hicc you would've said no" (F/n) responded

"Well of course I would've said no! I hate people!"

"Hey calm down! Hicc don't worry we'll make sure no one rapes youuu..." (F/n2) said as they layed their head on the bar.

"Tch..." You clicked your tounge in annoyance.

Your POV

'I want to go hooooome!!!' I thought to myself as I took another sip from my water, 'Sometimes I hate this bitches...' I frown and looked at my friends untill I felt someones eyes on me, I look towards the direction I feel the piercing eyes and my sight fall on a guy dressed very fancily sitting on a table, he was wearing a rolex watch, a suit and tie, and had all types of women on each side of him. He smiled at me and raise his drink in the air signalling a toast. I was confused but not wanting to be rude I gave him a shy smile and raise my drink too.

"Who the fuck hicc are you smiling to?" (F/n) looks in the direction of the guy.

"Ooooh him, his hicc name is (C/n) he is a very hicc famous billionaire" (F/n) said

"Really? Well I never heard of him"

"Because you live under a fucking rock!" (F/n2) said.

"Jesus crust calm down" I look at a wall untill I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me"

"Hm?" I turn around, there stood the famous billionaire (C/n).

"But may I have this dance?" He extends his hand towards me.

"Uh sorry but n-"

"She'd love to!" (F/n) interrupted me

"What?!" I whisper yell as she pushes me towards (C/n), he takes my hand and guides me to the dance floor.

"Dammit..." I muttered under my breath. (C/n) takes my hand and begins to dance with me, or more like he danced while Injust awkwardly stood there. It was all fine and dandy untill he started to get closer and a little bit touch it, I brushed it off as simple mistakes untill he touched my butt.

"Hey! Don't do that!" I step away from him.

"Huh? I thought you were liking it"

"Uh no I thought that it wasn't on purpose but no I don't like you touching me like that"

"Oh well I'm sorry, look I'll stop let's just-" He grabs my hand

"-Start from the beginning" He took my hand and begun to dance with me, he didn't get touchy after that and kept a comfortable distance with me, in one dance he spinned me and dipped me.

"Woah!" He leaned in closer to me and smirked before kissing me, He tasted like alcohol and cigarettes but I melted in the kiss either way. After a few seconds he pulled away and I was a blushing mess.

"You're very good at kissing My lady" He smirks and I blush darker.

"Um thanks..." I said shyly

'He stole my first kiss...'  I thought in shock

"I'm going to get a drink want anything?" He said and I shook my head

"Uh no thank you..." He shrugs

"Alright I'll be back" He leaves and I stand in the dance floor waiting for him.

~Time skip~

30 minutes.... he's been gone for 30 minutes well almost 40.

'That's it I'm going to check what's taking so long... ' I thought as I started to walk around looking for him, I finally spot him on the table he was before with all of the other women. He laughed and flirted with the girls around him, I stomp towards him.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I look at him angrily

"What are you talking about darling?" He said smirking as my eyes widen.

"You left me standing on the dance floor on my own like an idiot!" I angrily yell at him.

"Woah woah calm down I have never seen you in my whole life" Tears begin to prick the corners of my eyes.

"You're a fucking asshole!" I yell at him

3rd person POV

"That isn't the first time I have heard that darling and it won't be the last, so go ahead insult me, yell at me, slap me whatever you want because it's not my fault you were so naive and got played" (C/n) smirked in a sadistic matter.

"Haha you should leave now dear before you get even more embarrassed" One of the girls laughed and the other girls along with (C/n) joined her until he felt a stojg pain in his cheek wich sent him off his chair. You punched him square on the cheek as tears went down your eyes.


"Ow! What the f-" You interrupted him by grabbing his collar

"You're a fucking idiot" You said in his face

"You're just a rich and lonely bastard who surrounds himself in plastic barbie gold diggers" You drop him

"Hope karma comes and gets your ass" You angrily stomp out of the club, (C/n) was shocked. He never had a girl stand up to him let alone punch him... he felt.... guilty your words stung him like a wasp. Yet he couldn't help but find it amusing, the plastic barbie dolls help him and attended his wounds before he stopped them and left the club without a word, he was thinking about one thing and one thing only.....



This was inspired by a one shot made by Midnight-Drawing77 the one shot was named Sucker-Punched in their Onceler x Reader one shot book it's really good go read and support them anyways this was all hope you enjoyed and as always I will see you in the next chapter Buh-Bye! ❤️

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