My Butler R-18🍋

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Warning! ⚠️🍋Lemon ahead.

If you're underage and don't know what lemons are don't read.

If you're not into this stuff don't read!

I don't want a crappy comment about someone talking of how I traumatized them well now that that's out of the way LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!

(F/c)=Favorite color

(F/f)=Favorite food

(E/c)=Eye color

(H/c)=Hair color

(S/c)=Skin color

(H/l)=Hair length


I quickly stepped down to the stairs leading to the main entrance while I buttoned my suit.I opened the doors and went to the carriage that was waiting in front of the manor,I opened the door of the carriage and saw my mistress sitting inside.She acknowledged my  existence and smiled at me as I offered a gloved hand to her.Her gentle and small hand grabbed mine as she got up and stepped out of the carriage.

"Hello Mistress how was your trip?"I asked grabbing the luggage from inside the carriage.

"Tiring..."She said rubbing her temples as a sigh came from her beautiful lips.

"Oh what a shame,I prepared (F/f) for dinner and a bath for later"I said as we both went inside the manor and I closed the door behind me.

"That sounds lovely (C/n)"She said looking at me and smiling,I took a moment to look at her completely.Her lovely (H/l) (H/c) hair and her soft (E/c) eyes,her porceline like (S/c) skin and her smile her smile could melt the sun it's self.

"(C/n)? (C/n)!"My  mistress said snapping her fingers in my face

"Uh sorry mistress...I uh will put your luggage in your chambers..."I said with a blush and walking off before she saw it.

Time skip~

After I put my mistresses luggage in her room and served her dinner I  was in her bathroom preparing a bath for her.

"Mistress the bath is ready"I said as my mistress came inside the bathroom still on her dress.

"Mistress you haven't even undressed what are-"

"Undress me..."She said suddenly

"M-mistress I shouldn't I will call one of the maids"I said started to walk off before she grabbed my wrist.

"I said to undress me"She said with a slight glare....her personality had changed suddenly.

"But mistress if someone sees us I could ruin your reputation"I said with  a blush I  cared more about not me getting a boner from seeing her naked.

"I don't care just do as I say"She said and I sighed in defeat

"Alright..."I said as she turned around and I started unbuttoning her dress.The dress fell on the floor leaving her in undergarments.

"W-would you wish for me to take your undergarments off?"I asked as she nodded,I unlaced her corset and unhooked her stocking Spencer's.(IDFK xD)She took her stockings,panties and corset leaving her naked.I turned around trying not to look at her,I heard the sound of water splashing before I turned around and saw my mistress sitting in bathtub.

"I will wash your hair now"I said grabbing the shampoo

"Undress..."She said as my eyes widened.

"What? Mistress excuse me but you can't be serious,Being in this very room could bring shame to your reputation I'm only a servant I can't bathe with you"

"I said undress don't question my authority"She said glaring at me

"*sigh*Alright mistress..."I said as I started to undress my butler uniform,as I pulled underwater down I looked away blushing.

"Please excuse my...ehem arousal..."I said walking to the bathtub and sitting in front of my mistress.

"Please turn around so I can wash your hair"I said as she turned around and I started washing and massaging her scalp.

"Please pardon my comment but you have such perfect skin...."I said looking at her back

"And perfect silky hair..."I muttered pouring water in her hair to wash the soap out.After the soap was out I grabbed a cloth and started to rub it on her back.

"Mistress you'll need to turn around so I can wash your neck"I said and she turned around facing me as I washed her neck,my eyes went to her breasts and I blush.She suddenly grabbed my hand and put it on her breast.

"M-mistress..."I said blushing

"Am I too horrid that you can't even touch me?"She asked

"Not at all mistress"I said without hesitation

"Prove it"She said as I looked at her directly in the eyes.

"May I?"I asked glancing at her breasts and then at her,she nodded with a blush as I approached her breasts with my my mouth.I started circling my tongue around her nipple as she moaned,I sucked on her breast as my other hand fondled with her other.

"Is this to your pleasing mistress?"I asked as she nodded,her hand went under water and her hand grabbed shaft.I moaned and I moved to her other breast as she pumped my shaft.

"Aah...yes mistress....*pant*...I like how it how-ngh touch my shaft like that..."I was very sensitive because I was never touched by a women before because of my social status.I moved from my mistresses breast to her neck,she grabbed my face with her free hand and pushed her lips onto mine still pumping my shaft under water.I moaned into the kiss feeling myself getting close,I pulled away from the kiss and moaned.

"M-mistress I'm clo-Ah!"I moaned before I felt my seed pour out of my shaft before my mistress straddled me.

"Put it in me"She said so bluntly 

"M-mistres no I-I ca-Aaaah!"I moaned as her tight entrance wrapped around my shaft.

"Ah! Mi-mistress it's so t-tight"I moaned as she panted

"Call me (Y/n)"She said before bouncing up and down my shaft I moaned and put my arms around her body.

"Ah!(Y/n) Yes! Your entrance feels so good"I moaned putting my head in between her breasts and kissing them.

She moaned and kept bouncing up and down in my shaft,I groaned and picked her by the thighs putting her the edge of the bathtub, taking control over the movement.I thruster in touching a soft spot inside my mistress.

"Ah! (C/n) I-I'm close keep hitting that spot"She moaned

"Alright mistress! I'm your Butler and I do as you order ah!"I moaned and thrusted faster.

"Ah! (C/n)!"She moaned and I thrusted one last time before my seed poured inside her.I ran a hand through my hair and looked down at my panting mistress.

"That....was amazing mistress"I said putting (Y/n) back in the bathtub, I looked over the door to find one of the maids picking inside I got a glance at her face before we made eye contact and she ran away.

"It seems that one of the maids saw us mistress"I said as I started putting my clothes back on.

"Keep her quiet and if she refuses you can go to more...drastic methods"She said looking at me as her eyes flashed a bright (F/c) and then back to (E/c).I smirked as My eyes flashed a hot pink and then to it's natural color.

"As you wish my mistress"I said bowing and leaving.

Let's just say the maid was never heard of again....

Mk done I know it doesn't really make sense but meh it's mah story buh-bye~ guys.

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