Travel R-18🍋sorta Pt1🚺🚹

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Hello guys so I hoped you are enjoying the story and here's a cute fluff for you guys so enjoy also if there's a sorta it means it's just sprinkled with lemons not like a full shot of them.

(C/l)=Crushes last name

(Y/n) POV

I woke up  to the sweet and delicious smell of bacon and pancakes,I took  the covers off of me and went downstairs bare footed.I saw my lovely boyfriend in front of the stove cooking (EGGS BACON GRIT SAUSAGE! YOUR READING XREADER AND YOU STILL EAT SAUSAGE!)bacon,eggs and pancakes for breakfast.I went behind him and hugged his waist putting my head in his back.

"Hey babe,good morning"He said

"Morning..."I said half asleep

"You know  what day is today?"He asked turning the stove off and turning around to face me

"Yeah,Happy 4 year anniversary"I said standing on my tippy road and kissing him on the lips.

"Happy 4 year anniversary honey"He said back pulling away and grabbing the food.He put it in two plates as I got the utensils and sat down.

"So what are we gonna do today?"I asked as I ate the eggs

"Ok so do you remember always wanted to go to Disneyland?"He asked and I almost choke on my food.

"Y-yeah"I said drinking my orange juice.

"Well I bought a one week trip to Disneyland"He said and I jumped gave him a big hug making him fall backwards,so I was hugging him while he was in his back.

"OOOH MY GOD THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU THANK YOUUUU!!!!"I screamed as he laughed while hugging me back.

"It's no biggy honey you know I would go to hell and back for you"He said as I kissed him.

"Oh but it is a biggy,you know how long I've wanted to go to Disneyland?! I swear to god I love you so much!"I said kissing him all over his face.

"I love you too,we leave tomorrow in the morning so we better finish eating and start packing" After he finished that sentence I gobbled my food down and went upstairs to pack.

"Honey finish your food and get packing!"I screamed and heard a laugh and an 'Ok'

~Time Skip~

I woke up early as fuck and went downstairs to make breakfast,I made a toast and coffee for myself and a breakfast sandwich and coffee for my boyfriend.I went upstairs and left (C/n)'s breakfast next to his bed in the nightstand then went to take a shower.

After I finished my shower (C/n) woke up and took one himself.I put on my outfit and glasses then grabbed my beach bag and luggage.As I waited for (C/n) I was in my phone looking through social media until he finally finished changing.

"Let's Go!"I said as he grabbed the luggage and the cab we called earlier arrived,we rode in silenced until we arrived to the airport.(C/n) grabbed the luggage from the back and we payed the cab as we went inside the airport,I was so excited I couldn't stay still on the chair where we  waited for the intercom to call us.

"You're very excited"(C/n) said smirking at me

"Uh well duh we're going to the happiest place in earth!"I said excitingly.

"Plane number 69 (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) going to Orlando Florida is now boarding passengers" I quickly jumped from my seat excitingly and grabbed my bag pulling (C/n) towards the plane exit.

~Time skip to when you're in the plane~

I was reading a fanfic on Wattpad while we were in the plane,when (C/n) starts kissing my neck.I give a low whimper while blushing.

"H-honey stop"I say

"I can't....specially when there's a beautiful and sexy women sitting right next to me"He whispered in my ear.

"W-we will do t-that in the hotel but not now...."I say as another whimper came out of my mouth,he kissed me in the cheek before pulling away.

"*sigh*Alright..."He said going on his phone and playing a game.

~Time skip dunno why I wrote that but whateves ƪ(•̃͡ε•̃͡)∫~

We finally arrive to our Hotel and I practically ran inside up to the counter jumping in place.

"Hi how can I help you?"The women in the front desk asked.

"Yeah I reserved a room under the name of (C/n) (C/L)"The women typed something in the computer smiling.

"Ah! Yes (C/n) (C/L) you'll be staying with us for a week, here's your keycard and hope you have a lovely honeymoon"She said handing two keycards to (C/n).

"Thank you"He said grabbing the cards as we walked to the elevator, we walked in and he pressed a button to the 20th floor.

"So honeymoon huh?"I said smirking as he chuckled.

"The only hotel package that let you stay for a week was the honeymoon pack so I got that one"

"Aaw thanks babe"I said kissing him on the mouth before he kissed back but putting his tounge inside my mouth,I moaned as he grabbed my thighs and put me on top of the elevator rail and started kissing my neck.

"Ah! Babe you know I'm very sensitive" I said moaning as he licked my earlobe.

"I know..."He said licking my earlobe again.

"T-then why are you doing it?"I asked moaning again.

"Because I like teasing you..."He said before lightly biting my shoulder.

"Ah!"I moaned before the doors opened and I see the penthouse, (C/n) quickly grabs the luggage and my bag before throwing it somewhere and taking me to the bedroom that was upstairs, h waist no time and jumps on the bed with me under him.He starts undressing me and I undress him then he whispered in my ear.

"I love you so much..."Then we made love the whole night.

I hope you guys enjoyed it anyways I need bbleacb so bye....

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