Previously known as "L.A. Love"
Rowan is a 19 year old girl living her life in the beautiful city of LA. She works at the iconic Urth Cafe and goes to college at FIDIM for Design and Applied Arts. She meets a famous Youtuber and things get a littl...
We were having a good time at Golf N' Stuff. Rowan looked gorgeous as always even though I've only seen her a handful of times. I don't want to screw it up with her, maybe we should start out slow, who knows if she is even into me, I'm a total mess around her I'd be surprised if she was into me.
"Hey Rowan."
"Yeah, what's up?" she comes skipping over.
"Can you take my picture I want to look cool playing mini golf." She giggles at me.
"Yeah sure weirdo" she says playfully. I hand her my phone and she takes my picture.
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I take my phone and look at the pic. "It looks good thanks bud." I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth. And the look on her face said it all, she was hurt but she was too nice to say anything. She just walked back to Taylor and Ethan. She whispered something to Taylor and Taylor shot a glare back at me and turned back around. Ethan joined me finishing the game because Rowan was pissed at me, hell I was pissed at me. I do this all the time, I fuck it up with every single girl and I don't know how I do it, I just do.
"Hey Gray, I know you like Rowan but what the hell were you thinking when you called her 'bud'?"
"Dude I have no idea, like you usually take my pictures and I say it all the time so it just slipped out. I can't believe I did that now she is probably going to hate me forever." I say shaking my head in defeat. I really like this girl and I feel like a total fuck up right now.
"Hey, you'll fix this. I know you better than anyone, you can do this ok bup?"
"Yeah I guess so but how in the world am I supposed to do that?"
"You just tell her what you told me, that you say 'bud' all the time after I take a pic of you and apologize. I know you didn't mean it but she didn't spend 9 months in a womb with you." He bumps my shoulder and we both just laugh.
The girls turn around to look at us and continue on their conversation, man I wish I could hear that conversation right now.
Rowan's POV:
Did he just call me "bud", I know for a fucking fact this boy did not just friend zone me like that. Ugh, he looks like he is regretting what he said right now but I can't deal with this right now so I just walk over to Taylor.
"Hey girlie what's up, y'all hitting it off?" her smile soon fades when she sees my face. "What the hell did that idiot do?"
I whispered to her, "He called me 'bud', that's what he did." she shoots a glare at Grayson, "I'm sorry he is such a fucking fool to friend zone you like that, but I thought he was into you."
"Yeah I thought so too, apparently not."
"Ok when we are done we are gonna go to the store and get ice cream, candy, popcorn and a few movies and take them back to the condo and we are gonna devour the junk food and binge watch all the movies we want, ok?"
"Yes that sounds perfect right now." I say starting to smile. Then we hear the boys laughing and we both glare at them. I think man I wish I could hear what shit he is probably saying about me right now. But I shake the thought out of my mind and get back to playing the game.
We finish the game and return the golf clubs and walk out with the boys trailing behind us. Ethan catches up to Taylor and I and she gives me the keys for the car. They say their goodbyes as I get in the car but someone stops me from closing the door, Grayson. "What do you want now Grayson? Haven't you done enough for tonight?"
"No, look I'm sorry for being such a idiot and calling you 'bud'. I say that all the time to Ethan after he takes pictures for me and it just slipped out. Can you please forgive me?" I look at him for a minute and realize I can't stay mad at this kid. He was probably just as nervous as I was meeting him today as he is talking to me. "Yes, I forgive you." He smiles, "Can I get a goodnight hug?"
"Yes." I get out of the car and reach up to hug him. Man I knew he was tall but I looked like a midget next to him and I'm 5'5. He has to be like 6'1. His hug just completely felt amazing. I know it's weird to say but somehow it felt like home. I breathe in his scent for the first time and just like his laugh, it was instantly a drug to me. We both let go and he kisses me on the cheek. I smile earning a smile from him, "Goodnight Rowan."
"Goodnight Grayson." He closes the door and Taylor hops in. "So are we still doing the whole junk food thing or not?"
"Yes that would still be amazing. I think that Grayson and I are good now so it's more of a celebration of how we 2 normal girls can get a pair of twins without even trying much." We both laugh and head off to the store to buy our midnight goodies to snack on.