Previously known as "L.A. Love"
Rowan is a 19 year old girl living her life in the beautiful city of LA. She works at the iconic Urth Cafe and goes to college at FIDIM for Design and Applied Arts. She meets a famous Youtuber and things get a littl...
"Bitch are you ready yet?" I say peeping my head into Taylor's room.
"Yeah just need to throw on my shoes and I'm ready to go."
"Ok I'll be in the car."
"Yes mom." she says sarcastically. I just shake my head at her and head downstairs. I grab the keys, my bag and my sunglasses and open the door. As soon as I open it Grayson falls and I barely make it out of the way before he hits the floor. I burst out laughing at his dumbass self.
"Why the hell were you leaning on the door you dumbass?" I say still laughing.
"I didn't know you were gonna just pull the door open like that." he says getting up and rubbing his arm. He looks at me and smiles widely, "Can I get a hug now?" I just smirk and shake my head and go into his open arms. He squeezes me tightly and I breathe in his scent, "he always smells so good" I think to myself. We pull apart and I see Tay walking down the stairs.
"Ready bitch?"
"Yes let's go, where is E?"
"Oh he is by the car."
"Ok." she says skipping outside towards Ethan and jumps in his arms and they kiss. Grayson and I just snort at each other because even though Tay and E said they wouldn't be that cringy couple, they became one. It was a running joke with Gray and I. We hop in the car and head to Santa Monica. Even though it was October it was still warm out so we decided to take advantage of the beautiful LA weather and have a beach day.
We finally find a parking space and park the car. Gray and I hop out and start grabbing our bags and snacks. I grabbed my bag and Gray grabbed the snacks. He grabs my hand and we start walking towards the beach. Even though we are friends there is this thing between us but neither of us want to rush into things.
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We both agree on a spot near the pier and set our stuff down. I lay out my towel and grab my sunscreen out of my bag. I start putting it on and I can't reach my back so I ask Gray if he could help. "Sure babe." I just smirk at him and hand him the sunscreen. I move my hair out of the way and he starts rubbing the sunscreen on my back. He finishes and hands me back the sunscreen and I throw it on my bag and move my hair back. I bend down to grab my phone and feel someone smack my ass, I turn around ready to slap the shit outta whoever did that and see Grayson laughing his ass off.
"That wasn't funny Gray" I say kind of annoyed.
"Hey it was just there, plus do you really blame me you got a nice ass babe." he says moving closer to me. My cheeks get all red so I turn around. He grabs my waist and puts his chin on my shoulder.
"Ya know Taylor was right about me liking you quickly, but I know you want us to get to know each other better before we date or whatever but I really like you Rowan, I just want you to know that." I turn around and grab his face and look at him for a minute and kiss him. As much as I wanted to ignore how I was feeling about him, I couldn't anymore. We pull apart, "I like you a lot too Gray, but you know I don't want to get hurt again like my ex hurt me." I look down and he grabs my face in his hands and I look at him. "I would never hurt you, what he did was horrible."
"I know you say that but things happen and I just don't know if I can survive another heart break like that again." I say shaking my head.
"You mean too much to me for me to ever do that to you. When I am in a relationship I don't even bother looking at other girls, it's not my thing." I smile meekly and kiss him on the cheek. Taylor and Ethan walk up and start getting all their stuff situated so I decided to go to the water. I put my hair into a bun and walk into the water. The water was a little cold but it felt good. I walk in about waist deep and hear someone walking behind me. I turn around and see Grayson. He comes and stands next to me and we just look out at the horizon, well mostly I did that while Grayson was just staring at me.
*later that day- Hanging out at 3rd St Promenade*
Grayson's POV:
Talking to Rowan today about how we both felt and it made me realize that I just need to work on this relationship slowly with her. I don't want us to get close without her wanting it fully too. The last thing I want to do is push her away.
I snap out of my thoughts as I hear someone call my name, "Hey Gray, how hot would Rowan look in this dress?" Taylor asks as she moves her eyebrows. I look at the little black dress and it is gorgeous.
"She would look stunning in it." Taylor smiles and skips off to the dressing room where Rowan is. Ethan bumps my arm.
"So dude I saw Rowan kiss you, what is happening with you two?"
"Nothing much, just taking things slower than usual I guess." I say shrugging.
"Well you better get on that dude because she is gorgeous and some guys might come and sweep her off her feet before you have a chance to do so dude." He walks off towards Taylor who is smiling widely and she motions to for me to come over.
"What do yo-" she cuts me off, "Look." Rowan comes out of the dressing room with the black dress on and just as I thought she would look stunning in it she looked even better in it than I imagined she would. The look on my face said it for Taylor to say, "Ok Grayson loves it so I am buying it for you whether you like it or not Ro." She pushes Rowan back to the dressing room and she comes back.
"So I take it that you liked that dress on her." she says smirking.
"Like it? Nah I loved it on her." Taylor smiles and grabs the dress from Rowan's dressing room and takes it to the front so she could buy it. Rowan comes back out in her clothes she was already in and walks up to Ethan and I.
"Where is Tay?"
"She is buying that dress for you."
"Oooo right." she looks at me and smiles slightly and walks over to where Taylor was at.
How does she make me feel like I have a zoo in my stomach everytime I see and talk to her still. Though it's only been a month of knowing her I can't get over the butterflies I have when I'm around her. Something makes me think she is going to be in my life for a long time and I am good with that because I don't want her going anywhere anytime soon.