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Rowan's POV:

As soon as I hear those words come out of that girl's mouth I leave.  I run to the elevator making sure Grayson can't catch up to me.  I'm hurt and upset but I refuse to cry over any guy.  He kissed me one day then goes and does something like this with another girl.  I mean I guess I should't be too upset because we aren't even dating yet.  Now I don't know if that will ever happen.  

I get out of the elevator and start speed walking back to the condo to get ready for work.  I didn't have time to think about this stupid boy.

I reach the condo and and walk in.  Taylor isn't home right now because she went to the store so I guess I'll drive there today.  I get into my work clothes grab my bad and head out the door.  I hop in my car and start backing up only to see Grayson stop at the back of my car to keep me from leaving.  "What do you want?"  I yell out of my window.

"Can we please talk, it wasn't what it looked like, Andie is my ex and she wanted to get back together with me.  But I shut it down after I said I was into someone else."  He said pleading.

"Look Gray I'm going to be late for work, can we just talk about this later when I'm not in a rush?"

"Fine, but when you are done with your shift we are talking, I don't want to lose you.  I like you a lot." I look down and smile to myself.

"It's a plan then."  He smiles at me and I give a half smile back to him and continue backing up and drive off to work.  I don't know why or how this boy has this affect on me.  It's like I can't ever be mad at him even if he does stupid stuff because he always has a way of proving himself to me.  Even though it's been a few day, I want to have him in my life for a long time, even if we can only be friends.

*At Urth*

I find a parking spot quite easily and walk in to the back of the restaurant and clock in.  I take over Avery's position and start doing work taking customer's orders.  Working kind of helps me calm down and de-stress from anything that is bugging me.  I started work at 9 am and I finish around 4pm, I look at the clock and I had a few more hours to go but it was time for my break so I grabbed some food and sat in the back parking lot and ate my lunch.  After a half hour messing on my phone and eating I walk back inside and head back to the register.

My eyes widen at the next person in line,  it was her, Andie I think Grayson said her name was.  I try to keep my composer in front of her as she walks up with a smirk on my face because she can tell I recognize her.

"Hi, welcome to Urth, how may I help you today?"

"Hi I'd like a green tea boba and a BLT sandwhich please."

"Alright is that all for you today miss?"

"Yes," she leans over the counter to get closer to me, "Listen back off from Grayson, I don't want your stank ass anywhere near him.  I'm trying to win him back and you aren't going to help that situation because he seems so memorized by you, even though I have no idea why because I am way better looking than you are."  I just look at her puzzled and brush it off.  No need to get caught up in her crazy thoughts.

"Here is your receipt and your card, have a nice day miss."  she walks away and now I know why Grayson called her his crazy ex.

It's finally time for me to clock out and I head to the back to my car.  As I walk up to it I see a note on my front windshield.   Please don't let it be a ticket, I pick it up and I scan the note to see that it's from Andie:

It doesn't seem like you wanted to listen to me at your work.  But trust me if you don't back off now, there will be consequences and you won't like it.  I have eyes and ears everywhere so if I hear one peep out of your mouth mentioning our little encounter today then you'll be punished.  Got it?


I jump in my car and hurry home.  As soon as I get there I see Grayson sitting on the front step.  Oh no he can't be here right now.  But I can't tell him to leave because he wants to talk to me so I have no choice.  I get out of my car and walk up to him.

"Grayson come inside quickly and don't say a word ok?"  He just nods slightly.  We walk inside and I hand him the note.  He reads it and instantly gets heated.  He grips the note so tight it looked like he was about to rip it.

"So what am I supposed to do, not talk to the girl I actually like?  She can't keep me from you, I am going to fix this."  I don't even get to say anything before he storms out of the condo and leaves in Ethan's black Mercedes.  I just stand there not knowing what to do.  I close the door and just head up to my room and get in my bed.  I'm just emotionally drained from today.  I turn on the TV but not really paying any attention to it and end up slowly drifting off into sleep.

In the End // g.d.  ☑️Where stories live. Discover now