Previously known as "L.A. Love"
Rowan is a 19 year old girl living her life in the beautiful city of LA. She works at the iconic Urth Cafe and goes to college at FIDIM for Design and Applied Arts. She meets a famous Youtuber and things get a littl...
It had been about a week since I talked to Grayson. I wanted to talk to him a lot but Taylor asked me not to because she didn't want to have to reminded of Ethan for a little bit and I respected that. It was hard not talking to him but they say absence makes the heart grow fonder.
I poke my head into Taylor's room where she has pretty much been holed up since that Tuesday night everything went down, "Hey Tay i'm gonna head to work now, text me if you need anything, ok?"
"Gotcha, see ya later bitch." I start walking away. "Rowan, can you come back here a sec?"
"Hm what's up girlie?"
"Um do you think Ethan and I will be ok, I mean even after that whole thing happened I still love the bastard, but ugh I don't know, what should I do?"
"Girl, I think you should do whatever your heart is telling you to do and you have pretty much asked me the same question every morning before I head off to work or school. My advice, call him or text him. Meet him somewhere and talk it out that is the best thing for you to do. I know he still loves you and you love him too, he just messed up. I know it's a huge mess up but trust me him calling you night and day and texting you a million times is him knowing he fucked up, you have tortured the poor idiot long enough. Decide for yourself when you talk to him if you still wanna be with him, I will support your decision either way. I love you Tay."
"Thanks for the talk Ro. I'll think on it. I love you too bestie." I walk downstairs and head out the front door with my purse and keys.
*At work*
"Hey, how is going Rowan?"
"I'm good Lauren, how are you?"
"Tired from last night with this hot twin, he had a lot of anger to get out apparently. Him and this girl he likes a lot apparently broke up because he fucked up or something idk all I know is he is hot and we are both being each others band aids right now."
"Wait wait wait, what is this twin's name?"
"Ethan, why?"
"Oh nothing, just wondering. Would you excuse me for a minute." I went and grabbed my phone and headed out back. I quickly look up Ethan's number and call it.
What the fuck did I do now?
You are sleeping with some girl that I work with, Lauren?
Oh for fucks sake, I told her not to tell anyone and why would you care anyways?
Um maybe because you broke my best friends heart you dipshit!
Look Taylor doesn't know what fully happened ok, I didn't kiss that girl or whatever she thinks. That girl was a fan of mine and she had been a little tipsy and she kissed me. I pushed her off as fast as I could and by that time I saw Taylor walk in and see the girl on me. Then she ran out and I couldn't explain myself and she texted me that we were over.
Why haven't you told her that?
Um maybe because she has been ignoring my phone calls and texts that tell her to call me so I can tell her over the phone or in person what really happened, so that's why Rowan. Oh and thanks for telling Grayson what happened.
I didn't he was there to see Taylor come home all a mess. Why are you being all sarcastic now?
Because he came back to the apartment and fucking punched me in the gut that why. I mean he could have did worse but he chose not to. I couldn't even tell him what happened, he just stormed off to his room afterwards.
I mean you kind of deserved it not gonna lie, but i'm going to tell Taylor to call you back because she needs to hear everything from you, and in person.
Ok, bye.
You better fix this, bye.
I hung up and headed back inside to finish my shift and head home.
After my shift ended I grabbed my stuff and the food I bought for Tay and I for dinner. I just needed something quick and easy before I passed out. *beep beep* I got a Snapchat notification from Grayson and decided to open it.
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I snap him back real quick and turn my phone off and drive home.
"Tay! I'm home with some bomb ass food to fix your heart some more!"
"Yess my favorite from Urth! I LOVE YOU BITCH!"
"You are so very welcome, now let's go eat and watch the Bachelorette."
"Ooo I'm down, k let's go."
I heard some annoying beeping sound and i reach around with my eyes closed trying to turn off the insistent beeping. Finally I open my eyes and see it's my phone. 12 missed calls from Grayson. What the heck? I look at the time and it says 1:08am, why the fuck would he be calling me this late? I call him back and it go straight to voicemail. I call about 4 more times and he finally picks up.
Grayson? Why are you calling me at 1 o'clock in the morning?
Um something happened and I needed Taylor and you to know but mostly Taylor.
His voice was a little erratic and he didn't sound like himself.
Grayson, what happened?
It's Ethan, he um did something stupid.
We already know what stupid thing he did, allow that gir-
No, something else.
I hear something in the background that sounds like beeps on a machine at a hospital.
Grayson, what happened to Ethan?
He's in a temporary coma. He kind of put himself in one after Taylor wouldn't let him explain what really happened. He was heart broken and went out drinking even though I told him not to. I don't know what to do right now, it's just me here. Everyone else is flying out in the morning. Do you think you could come here?
Oh my god, yeah I'll be right over. Grayson, I love you.
I love you too, see you in a bit. Bye.
"Taylor, get up hoe."
"Hm what do you want, it's fucking one in the god damn morning. What is it that it can't wait till like eleven instead?"