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I know, I know, I know I haven't updated this book in months but I've decided that I need to finish it. Mostly because I've been working on a new story and it's got nothing to do with the Dolan Twins. So give this story a vote if you are excited to finally see how this story will end.

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Rowan's POV:

*6 months later*

I knock on the door to let Taylor know I'm coming in. I peek my head in and see her getting in the dress. Tonight is the rehearsal dinner for the wedding and tomorrow will be the bachelorette party and then finally on Saturday the wedding will finally happen.

"Aaww bitch you look so pretty. I mean you'll kill in your wedding dress but this is almost angelic." I look up her and smile widely.

"I know right I can't believe I'm getting married in 5 days dude. It's crazy. I'm going to be a Dolan, Taylor Dolan? I never really thought how my name would sound with Ethan's last name ya know. But it kinda works."

I chuckle at her knowing she is hella nervous for tonight, man I can't imagine what it's gonna be like on the actual wedding day for her. But I will be there every step of the way for her. "You don't need to be nervous. It's just the rehearsal dinner. You aren't meeting the rest of his family till like Saturday. It's just the wedding party and both y'alls parents and you both have met them before. So no need to worry."

"Actually, he hasn't met my dad face to face yet."

"What? Did he not ask him for your hand in marriage?"

"He did, but he did it over the phone. I know my dad is chill and all with that stuff, like 'If she's happy, I'm happy' sorta shit but Ethan can be a little out there sometimes and I just hope he doesn't anger my dad in some way tonight."

"Well I think tonight will be fine. I can remind Ethan not to do any stupid shit tonight if you want."

"Will you? Thank you!" She ran up to me and gave me a hug that almost knocked the wind out of me.

"Ok ok, I'll go find him and I'll talk to him. Don't worry anymore, everything will be fine." And with that I left the room and headed down to Ethan and Gray's room and knocked on the door lightly.

Gray opened it and he smiled widely. "Hey beautiful!"

I returned the smile, "Hey handsome." I looked over his outfit and it closely matched his tux for the wedding. "Can I talk to Ethan?"

"Yeah sure babe, what's it about?" He said stepping out of the doorframe so I could enter the room.

"Oh ya know, Taylor. She wants me to remind him not to do anything stupid tonight. Considering he is meeting her dad technically for the first time."

"Wait what? He hasn't met him before?"

Before I could answer, Ethan appeared out of the bathroom.

"Well hello Rowan. What are you doing here, shouldn't you be with Taylor?"

I turned and looked at him, "Yes but she wanted me to remind you to not do anything stupid tonight because you are meeting her dad."

"Oh girl, I got that all covered. Imma knock his socks off tonight!" He said smiling widely.

"Umm what is that supposed to mean?"

"You'll see tonight."

"That wasn't the answer I was looking for Ethan." I shake my head, "If you fuck this up tonight, you are screwed. I know Taylor's dad and he can be chill but if you do something he doesn't even remotely like you are on his shit list, especially when it comes to his daughter. He doesn't mess around with that stuff. So this is just a warning for you. You wanna marry Taylor on Saturday, don't fuck this up."

I turn around and face Grayson, "Make sure whatever he has planned doesn't end up hurting him."

"Ay ay captain!" I shake my head and Grayson opens up the door and we both walk out. "I've missed you these past few days."

"I know, I know. I've just been so busy with classes and work and planning last minute stuff for the wedding, it's been so hectic. I'm sorry I didn't call or text you."

He snakes his arms around my waist and smiles, "I get it babe. E and I have been pre-filming videos for when Taylor and him are gone on their honeymoon. I'll have to upload them when the Tuesdays come around. I can't believe they are going to Europe for a month. Another 4 weeks without my brother and then when they come back they are gonna look at places to buy."

"Looks like you and I are gonna be out of roommates real soon."

"Yeah if only we could solve that problem." He looks up as if he is deep in thought and I just smirk at him.

"Ok come on say what you got planning up in that big head of yours."

He smiles at me, "You know me so well. Ok well I was thinking. Because we both are gonna be out of roommates soon, why don't we move in together?"

"How did I know you were gonna say that?"

"Because you are smart. So, what do ya say? Roomies?"

I think on it for a minute. I mean what could be so bad about living with him. I love him, he loves me. "Ok. Why not."

He smiles and picks me up and spins me around causing me to laugh loudly. He finally puts me down and pulls me into a tight hug.

"I'm so excited now. This is the best news ever."

"I'm excited too. This should be fun." I smirk.

In the End // g.d.  ☑️Where stories live. Discover now