Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Cleo POV

The sheets were wrapped loosely on my body as I woke up, my head resting on his chest. I listened to his breathing for a moment and feel how the first rays of light start stretching their way over his arm muscles. I didn't think this would happen, the thought bounced around my head. I almost felt lightheaded when thinking back to what had happened last night. I curled up closer to Alec and allowed myself to treasure the moment. I could sense that he had woken up but we both stayed silent, not wanting to break the spell. Happiness spread itself across my stomach, wrapping me up in its delicious warmth and giddiness. Maybe it all worked out the way it was supposed to be? Maybe this was meant to happen all along. As I listen intently, I heard something, footsteps approaching my front door.

Alec recognised the sound of them before me. "Rose," he breathed quietly.

I pushed myself up from where I had been resting and as soon as the weight of my head had moved off his chest, he got up quickly. I followed his suit and got dressed quickly.

As the knock on the door reached my ears I heard Alec mutter something, "Can't find my shirt."

"I'll go open the door," I said.

I bounced down the stairs, straightening out my top and running my fingers quickly through my hair before swinging the door wide open.

"Welcome back!" I beamed and gave her a big hug.

"Thanks! I guess from your happy mood that you have already rescued Wyhatt?" she asked as she embraced me.

"Sorry," I said as I stepped back from the hug. "I guess we forgot to text you. We saved him last night."

"No worries, I only raced here to help you," her face smiles but there were a sharpness to her words that I had never heard before.

"Sorry, last night was pretty action packed." I felt a sting of guilt that we left her in the dark about the developments here.

"Hello," Alec said as he walked down the stairs with a heavy case of bed hair.

"Hello," Rose replied coldly. I looked between the two of them, unsure about what' was going on. Did they have an argument or something?

Rose stepped in and walked over to the kitchen, sitting down at one of the high stools at the breakfast bar.

"So," she started. Her eyes felt like they were examining every thought in my head with how intently they were observing me.

"What happened yesterday then?"

"We dropped smoke bombs with trackers in their campsite and we got Wyhatt back," Alec explained, his voice was gentle as if he was approaching an angry animal hoping that a soothing tone would calm it down.

"Do we know anything else?" Rose looked over at me. I instinctively stepped towards' Alec, feeling safer when I was closer to him. I didn't know why she was acting like this. Maybe she had something really important going on in Central and she was angry because we had made her leave for nothing. As I sidestepped closer to Alec, I could feel his whole body stiffen. He took one small step away from me and looked at Rose.

"So Wyhatt said that the Hunters were talking about bring more of them here. It looks like they are gearing up for a big fight." Alec answered the question that was so clearly aimed towards me.

"That's not good," Rose countered, she seemed to have softened slightly in the last few seconds. What was going on?

"I know you won't like this Cleo. But I think you should do talk to Jackson. We might need the wolves to be on our side if a big fight is coming."

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