those days {chapter seven}

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"Do you have any idea where we're going?" Jack asked. They were almost out of New York, but they had no clue exactly where they were going. In fact, they were almost in Pennsylvania. Not quite, but almost.

Talking between the two, from one to the other, posed a challenge. Both wanted to talk, oh how they desperately wanted to talk. But in fear of either making things worse or of upsetting the other, they remained quiet.

It was early in the morning, around 7 in the morning. They had slept for three hours, before getting back on the road. They neared a gas station, Nichola soon realizing that she had to go to- well, you know. He agreed to stop there, but standing outside, seeing a patch of flowers freshly planted in the soil, sitting in the Sunday dew.

He looked both ways before crossing to the other side of the street. Lightly picking one of the roses from its bush, he sauntered over back to the gas station where Nichola was inside paying for a Cola. He grabbed a pack of chips, standing behind Nichola at the cashier.

Once they both paid for their items, they sat outside on the curb, Nichola resting her bag beside her. The silence was unnerving, the only sound was of Nichola opening the lid of her drink. She took a sip before lightly screwing on the lid and setting it beside her.

"I miss the old days." She stated, looking at the deserted highway in front of them. With her upper body weight being supported by her arms outstretched behind her, she gazed off through her sunglasses, occasionally looking at the puzzled boy beside her.

"What do you mean?" He sighed, opening the All-Dressed bag of chips. He took one for himself before offering one to the girl, but she refused.

"The 'us' days." She replied, not taking her eyes off of the road.

He simply couldn't reply to that. He couldn't say 'Me too' because that would just make things more awkward, and he also couldn't deny it because he really did miss those days. So instead he remained silent. He ate a few more crisps before setting the bag down next to the cola.

The two sat in silence, just looking at the sky, growing from the east and dying in the west. They watched cars and people pass by. Before they knew it, the sun was setting, for they had watched the day pass by in the middle of who the hell knows where.

Her head soon drooped to his shoulder, and his arm reflexed around her shoulders. As the darkness grew around them, their eyelids drooped lower and lower, and sleep soon overcame them. Her head nuzzled into the small of his neck an his atop hers.

Whether they liked to admit it or not, they still loved each other. And whether they liked it or not, this journey was bringing them closer.

But before he fell asleep, he took the wilted, crumpled and deteriorating rose out of his pocket and lightly placed it in the hands of the unconscious Nichola. A note along it's side, and his eyes finally closed.


A/N ; Hey guys! So I'm trying to get as many votes on this.. So please I guess vote for this story? And also I'm hoping that ((uhG this will never happennnnnn but)) maybe Jack will read this story. He's honestly done so much for me, he saved my life when no one else could. He's literally my cure, even my psychiatrist said so. I love him so much, and I wouldn't be alive without him. So Jack, if you're reading this, I love you so much and you saved my life. Thank you guys so much, I love you all too ;)

So once again, please vote for this story, and I'll update as soon as I can. Love youuu. x

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