Lone Ranger (Lesbian)

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"Ain't no sunshine when she's gone."

I cried as those words lingered in my mind. She really left, with her ex, I'm just stunned were meant to be together forever. She was my soul mate....well I thought she was. Aria Camila Jones was the love of my life, and I gave her the best six years of her life. We met when we were just 16 and I was finding myself. She was my one and only first love. she found me when I didn't know myself, it's like I can remember it like it was yesterday....

The sun blares slightly under the leafy tree, birds singing their beautiful song while I read my romance novel. I was deep in when a soulful voice interrupt my thought.

"Till death, hmmm never read that one." I look up and there she was, tall (very tall) long brown hair, beautiful gray with some green orbs and I couldn't help but notice her sulky lips. Everything about her appearance scream indie rocker with some soul. from her green Eco t-shirt, 504 Levi's and some all black converse high tops. I look up at her hair and smile, she was going natural long Afrocentric locks. I didn't realize that I was zone out till see looked at me awkwardly.

"Umm, you read his work?" I say breaking the silence.

"Of course, he just has a way with words, call me a hopeless romantic but one day I'm gonna find a girl to love that Zen in the story." I was shock she was even into girls.

"Oh so your into girls?" I said too geared which made her face light up but me blush.

"Yes, but not publicly. Don't want my Pastor father disowning me." she made a joke out of it but I couldn't stop looking at her lips as they moved.

We talked more about the book, and I found out a lot about her. she's also 16 but goes to an all girls private school where she met her soon to be ex, she's from California but came to Ohio so her father can take his fathers position as Pastor. she's has very eclectic taste when it comes to music, art, movies and food. We end up talking till the sun started to set, then she walked me home. We were right outside my door when she took my phone and put her number in it.

"When you wanna talk just give me a ring." I was too shock to say anything so I just nodded, once she left I walk in the house and searched for her number but was embarrassed when I realized I didn't know her name. I looked at my recent called and seen that I called a 'my future' I put two and two together and redial the number.

"Miss me already eh?" her cockiness just makes me want her more.

"I guess you can say that," I teased "But I didn't really get your name." I bit my lip.

"It's Aria beautiful," I blushed whenever she calls me that.

"Oh, I'm Elease." I nervously say.

"I know," I was confused, I never mentioned my name.

"How did yo-" she cuff me off.

"Your in the teen ministry at my dad's church, you might not recognize me due to be always in the back but I always make sure I get a glance at your beautiful figure." this time I giggle. "Say how about we go to this spot by my private school. no one I know goes there, it's pretty private. Just you and I, what you think?" She asked

I almost squealed, but I have to remain calm. "um I'll have to look at my schedule and get back at you."

"Okay, but don't keep me waiting." and with that she hung up leaving me breathless.

She was so true with not keeping her waiting, I was a little late for our date and I saw her flirting with some blonde with green eyes. I tired not to be jealous, but I couldn't help it. after that day we were inseparable, and that made problems with my family. when her father disowned her she moved in with me in my dorm, luckily I had my own room, but my parents thought we were too young to be shacking up. Aria was just so in love with us living together she would help with my homework and other things. until her ex came in the picture and tried to pull us apart. My sister, Elaine told me she saw Aria and her ex hugged up in a movie and I didn't believe her which pissed both my parents and sister and they were tired of me taking her side so they made me chose, guess I made the wrong one huh?

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