Bed Peace.

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The glare from the sun invaded my sleep, not wanting to open of fear my mind get blinded I put my head under the cover and groan. I knew I should of never went out last night, to my suprise Mr. Marcus didn't leave he just went to gather us something drinks, being that I'm not a drinker end up drinking more than I could take and now I don't really remember what happen. To my knowledge me and Jhene talked, dance and flirting a little which shocked me seeing as she has a child I just figure she was straight. I don't even remember how I am in my bed.

"Ugh." I groan, hangovers are a bitch.

I look on my night stand surprised to see a small pill and a tall glass of water there. Oh god did I have a one night stand? See this is why I don't drink I do dumb ass stuff, I rest my leg on the side of my bed and take aspirin then look at my clock. 6 AM? ugh I'm going back to sleep, as I toss the covers over my whole body I feel someone watching me. Too scared to face them I fake like I'm sleep, guess it didn't work.

"Well good morning to you too...." I heard that angelic voice from last night say and I almost faint.

Jhene is in my room...

"I take it your hungover." She says then I feel the bed move which indicated she got in the bed she then pulled the covers over her. I shiver when I felt her leg touch mines, I couldn't help but turn around surprised that were this close. I look her up and down and almost drool, she's in a victoria secret zebra skin and panties. "I believe my eyes are up here." she said giggling, I look in her eyes embrassed that I was caughting staring but I can't help it she's beyond fine.

"'re" I say clearly speechless. She looked at me and dare I say it she blushed and looked at me like she was shy, I couldn't help but get cocky.

"Is Jhene Aiko getting shy on me?" I lay on my elbow and look in her eyes and just get lost in her eyes, she is really stunning. She moved in closer and my heart started beating ten times harder.

"Is Elease Hunter getting cocky on me?" She bite her lip so seductively I wanted to pull her closer to me. "I like it, it's sexy." And scoops closer and I freak out, as if her being in my bed has not freak me out enough.

"I don't want you to think I do this often..." she looked at me and I notice how scared her eyes look.

"So we slept together?" I asked confused and she looked at me confused.

"Damn was I that bad??" she chuckled and looked down.

I touched her chin and looked in her eyes she was embarrassed, I need to show her how I feel without freaking her out. So I just kissed her lips, she responded quickly grabbing my neck. I moan and pull her closer to me, with our bodies this close. When she bit my bottom lip I moan which gave her tongue entrance, but I didn't protest. So into it that I hadn't notice that her song 'the worst' was playing. she likes to get freaky to her own music? Nice. She pulled away biting on her lip.

"Bae your phone is ringing." She blushed at the ringtone.

oh! That's my ringtone? I don't remember doing that but whatever, I reach on my night stand and grab my phone; it's Marcus.

"Hello?" I answer groggy.

"So I understand you being hungover over and all but getting Jhene to change the day is a little extreme don't you think?" he asked clearly pissed.

I looked at Jhene confused. "I didn't know she changed the date." she looks at me apologetic look and mouthed "I'm sorry"

"You sure? because ived worked with Jhene for years and she's never reschedule and seeing how you two were chubby last night I figured you called her."

"Not at all, in fact I was just waking up." I lied and Scolded Jhene, she looked like a five year old who just got caught in the cookie jar. It was very cute but I can't let her know that.
"Oh?" He said surprised. "Well in that case go back to sleep, oh btw you need to come out more you were turnt up forreal." Marcus laughed.

I hid my face ashamed of the events I seem to not remember from yesterday,jhene softly touched my hands and I looked in her eyes and blushed deeply. "Don't hide that beautiful face ever again around me." She said with a straight face and I obeyed.

"So you really cancel for me?" I blushed, nobody has ever done that.

But I've never slept with a client either.

"Yes, I want to spend the day with you." She burried her face in my neck, kissing so tenderly.

"What about you're daughter." I said softly, not trying to moan; she smiled in my neck.

"She's with her dad, it's just you. and I." She said leaving kissing from my neck to my shoulder then looked at me and bit my lip.

This is a sticky situation, but with Jhene I was willing...


"So what made you decided this is the field you wanted to join?" Jhene asked taking a bite of her pancakes.

She wanted to make me breakfast, but I declined. Instead I made her breakfast, we couldn't keep out hands off each other long enough to take the food of the stove and end up burning everything. We just decided on take out, while waiting she wanted a treat; of the sexual variety. We almost didn't hear the guy knocking from the loud moan that came out of Jhene's voice. She was going to answer it, but I let her know that she's famous and I doubt this guy would turn down the opportunity to blashed her being in her undergarment with a female partner, so I got the door. And here we are lounging around the livingroom listening to some Marsha Ambrosius, laughing, eating and flirting.

"Hmm let's see, it was either the Video I took of my neigbor creeping on his wife or the short flim I made in High school." I said, her might was wide.

"Ha Ha, your so funny. But really? You're like the the best at what you do. How did you know you would be working with a camera for the rest of your life?" She asked.

"I wasn't lying about the Short flim in high school. For my senior project I made a move about LGBT murders and self harming, it moved the whole place. I end up getting a scholarship just because of that, and that's when I knew this is what I wanted for life." I said and she couldn't stop smiling, but then she frowned.

"Have you self harmed?" And there it was; the question I dread ever to come from her mouth.

I couldn't look in her eyes cause I didn't want her to pitty me, I felt a tear come down my eyes and she wiped it off and snuggled her head in my neck and kiss it. "It's okay, when you're ready we can talk about it okay?" She said in her soft concerned voice. I just nodded as she continued to kiss my neck, she then started sucking and I couldn't control my moans. I felt her hands on the arm, I was hesitant. When she touched my scars I freaked out and moved away, she looked at me as she understood why.

"Too soon?" she asked, I didn't know how to reaspond.

I know I want to tell her about this horriable past, but I just couldn't bring the words out of my mouth. How can you tell someone about you cutting yourself becuase you never felt worthy? After I came out I told my parents, but no one else. I just wasn't ready, I was already getting teased for just being me I didn't want more trouble. Little did I know that it was killing me inside.

"Yeah, but I will tell you. I'm just not ready." I said trying control my trembling lip.

I felt her warm lips ontop of mine and I was at peace again, I didn't want this moment to stop but I know that reality will soon end my happen area.

"I understand bae, Hmmm let's get out the house." Jhene said, face light like when a parent tells their child they're going to disney world. "I know this place where they play soulful and relaxing music. It'll be fun." She couldn't stop smiling which made me smile. 

I haven't smiled like this in such a long time.

"ehh, you don't care to be seen with me?" I asked feeling enscure, I know I'm beauftiful but why would a celebrity wanna go out with a nobody?

"I don't care, I want the world to know that I found you and I'm never letting you go."

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