Rest Of Our Life...

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"It looks like one of our nurses overdose her which made her go into cardiac arrest, we gave her CPR, oxygen and we had  to use the defibrillator a couple of times and she's doing fine she's just resting, give it a day or two before going to see her." Dr. Matthews said, I sighed relived but sad that I can't see her right now but I understand.

"Ok, thank you." I said weakly smiling, and nods then walks off.

As I walk back to the waiting from Koko rushed me and hugged my legs, I look this little girl she's my everything. She always finds a way to bring my spirits up.

"Can we see Auntie Lease?" She said looking up at me with her pouty lips.

"Not yet sweetie, she's sleeping." She pouts more then lifts her hands over her head and I picked her up. She suggle her face in my neck and relaxed in my arms. "I miss her." She wine making my heart melt, I never thought Namiko was gonna cling to Elease this much. "Me too sweetie..." I whispter rubbing her back.

"How is she?" Michael walked up to me with worried eyes. I swear him and Elease are best friend now, she did his "Faded" video and they didn't really know what to think about eachother but once I introduce her to him he was surprised that she even liked girls and figured that's why she didn't jump on him, then she made a joke about him being too skinny and they've been pals since.  More like a big brother/little sister relationship it's really nice.

"Better, she's resting they said to come back in two days so her body can fully recover." I pout and he smiled.

"Awe you're gonna be okay away from her two days." he laughed and messed my hair up, I pushed him then walked to the elevator.

"So is she gonna come out of the coma in two days?" Micheal asked as we waited for the elvator.

"He didn't say, I just don't understand. How the hell can you give her more than prescribed? I understand mistakes but she could have died, then what?" I shake my head and walked into the elevator with a sleeping Namiko. Michael just shugged then shook his head.

"She's a fighter tho, she doesn't want to lose her family." Micheal said meaning Namiko and I, I couldn't help but smile.

Once off the elevator we walked to his car, I put Namiko in her booster seat and sat in the front seat heading to Chris' house where everyone is. I love Chris to death for letting me stay at his place for a month, I can't go back to my place knowing that Elease is not there it kills me. I just pray that she wakes up so I can feel her lips on mine again.


Eye lids heavy, chills down my spine from the cool air. Beeping noises consumes my ears, I try to open my eyes but failed miserble so I just relax on whatever I was laying on until I could again.

"It's okay, try again Elease." I hear an unfamilar voice, but I listen to them and try but I closed then back due to the bright lights and it being very blurry.

I rubbed my eyes and opened them again and saw a doctor stand infront of me with two nurses on each side, damn how I get here?

"How do you feel Elease?" The doctor said, I looked at him confused.

"I feel sore," I looked at my arms and saw that the cuts were healed.

"Are you up for questions? The police are here to ask you" The doctor gave me this looks like he knew I knew the person who caused my now scars. I smiply just nod and he walks out and in walks a female office. 

"Hi Ms. Elease I'm Office Neals, do you remember what happen that night?" She asked.

I nod as she takes out her notepad. "Did you know the attacker before?" Office Neals asked.

"Yes, she was my ex."


After an hour of talking I was tried and asked the officer to leave, as I was resting I felt a persent upon me. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Jhene sitting at the end of my bed looking at me very attentively. We stared into each other eyes not knowing but to do, to say we just sit there. That is until tears fell from Jhene's eyes, I wiped them away from my hand as she sobbed.

"I thought I lost you." She burries her head in my should crying, I wrapped my arms around her and relaxed.

"I'm right here baby...." Eventually she stopped crying, but she couldn't keep her hands off of me. Our hands are intertwined and she rubbing my thigh as we talk like we haven't seen each other in eyers.

"I gotta tell Michael you're awake, he's been going crazy without his ace." she smirk releasing her hand to retrive her phone and dailed Michael's number.

"Yo." he said through the speaker.

"Hey bighead." I said looking at Jhene who's giggling like a little kid.

"Lease?" he asked shocked.

"The only and only."

"Word! Aye Elease is up!" we heard he basically scream to everyone, we heards gasping and Nicki dramatica ass crying to god.

"Aye we'll be up there in ten." he hangs up and both Jhene and I laugh hard. I knew her frineds liked me but I didn't think this much.


When the gang was talking to Elease I figured this would be the perfect time to initate my plan. Koko was sitting her lap, when we met eyes I signaled her to come here. Koko hopped off Elease's lap and ran to me. Elease looked at us with strange eyes but I winked and we left.

"Are you ready?" I asked my little angel, she looked at me confused but when I took the ring out she nodded her head very fast. I hand her the ring and she runs back in the room, I get my camera out and video Koko as she walks up to Elease with her hands behind her back, Elease notice something was going on and smirked at Koko.

"Namiko, what's behind your back?" Elease asked.

"Something special," She giggles. I zoom in on Elease's face, "But before I get to that, I have a question for you."

"Alright, what's up."

"Will you be my other mommy?" Koko asked and pulled the 4 crt diamond ring from behind her back.

Taking back Elease gasp then look around the room, everyone had their phones out as I put mines up and walked in more. Elease looked at me with tears in her eyes,"

"Eh." I try to speak but my throat is dry, I didn't think I'd be this nervous to say this to her. I clear my throat. "Elease, I know we've only been together for some months but this expeirence has awaken my deep feelings. I know I am in love with you, and I can't see myself without you in it. My daughter loves you, my family loves, and my friends love you. For a split second you were gone I didn't know what to do, but I was granted a second chance and I'm gonna use it wisely so . Elease Marie Hunnter will you do me the honor of being my wife? To wake up to me everyday, to hold me when I'm down and to put a smile on my face when someone mentions your name?" I said sliding the ring down her finger, she stared at the new rock then pulled my face towards her and crashed her lips upon mines giving me the answer.

"So is that a yes?" I ask when we pull away, she laughs and kisses me again.

Day one of our lives together forever....


So she purposed to they won't make it to their wedding day....

sorry for taking so long, it's just so much stuff going on right and with school and other things its kinda stressing me out but everything is gonna work out. If haven't check out the next chappter of the chance of a life time by JssLeshaPooh and myself that chapter is by me, I hope you like and if you can some feeback would me nice :)

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