The Wrost

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Today is a very busy day, I just got finish with day 3 of this short flim that I'm also helping with the editing. The actors were a little unexperience so it took us longer just to film three scenes but it's okay I guess. It got my mine off of Jhene not calling me. Yep we haven't talked since last night and it's driving me crazy, she got me used to her good morning text and I consent flirting durring the day. I didn't think to text her just because I was busy, but to say I didn't miss her would be wrong. Something just isn't right, I wonder if she's mad because I said we weren't serious. I mean think about it, we're not even girlfriends and she's thinking we're serious. Yes granted she's the only girl that I'm talking to but I honestly don't want her to know that. That's how Aria played me, made me promoise that she was my only one, but I wasn't her only so truthly I was the lonely one. Not trying to sound like Jhene's 'Comfort Inn' but that sound spoke to me.

While editing I decieded to call Jhene but she didn't pick up, so I sent her a text with didn't go through so her phone was turned off. As this day goes by I keep thinking about the signs, I've been throught this before and I don't want to deal with the heartache again. so I decied to give her a call but it went straight to voicemail.

"Yo you've reach Jhene, sorry I'm unavailable but just least a message and I'll get back at you. Peave. Love and Soul." Just hearing her voice put me at ease, but I'm mad at her.

"Jhene, you haven't answer your phone all day. I don't like this, you're bring the past back to present. I just hope you know what you're doing. Please call me if you care. Bye." I hung up and wrapped my arms around my legs.

I don't like this at all, I haven't been this valunable since Aria. Look what she's doing to me. I starting to bee like the deadly in love girl I once was. Jhen doesn't care about me, for all I know she's out doing her. I know might be tripping but I can't help but feel like this. Startled by my phone I qickly grab it hopping to see Jhene's picture pop up, instead it's Carrie's.

"Hey." I said blandly.

"Um I'ma need for you to sound more chipper to head from me." Carrie said with a fake attittude which made me smile.

"Hey Carrie! How's that?"

"Better," She laughs. "So Jhene haven't called yet?"

"No," I wined, "And it's going on ten. This is not like her we always talk when we wake up and when we're getting ready sleep. Actually we'd be facetiming right now. I can't take this, what if she's with another girl?" I pout.

"leasey I'm sure she's just busy. Stop thinking Negitive, that girl really likes you. Esepcailly if she's bring you around her daughter." Carrie said.

"Yeah I guess you're right...Bu-" Carrie cut me off. "But nothing, just go to sleep cause you're stressing yourself out. You are a beautiful young lady who got her life together. Anygirl will be lucky to have you...espeaiclly Jhene. Just get some rest and please don't think of doing what I know you're gonna do." She said sternly.

She didn't even have to stay it to know what she meant. Cutting. it's been two months since I've cut myself. But she doesn't have to worry about that because I got rid of all my cutting knives, ravors, pens, safey pens. Basically anything I could use to cut my skin open. Once I lit a spoon and put the hot spoon on my skin and wanted to pull my hair out. I never tired anything hot ever again.

"I'm not carrie..." I sighed.

"Good, I love you."

"I love you too."

"Get some sleep." I laughed. "Yes Mother." She laughed and hung up, I tried to drift off but I couldn't, because someone was banging on the door. I looked at the time and it read midnight, who could be coming on at a time like this? 

I put on my robe and waited just a mintue before opeing it, once I open the door I regret it already.

"Hey bae, miss me?" Aria said smirking.

Lord just kill me now.


We leave the airport around midnight, luckily no one knew I'm was coming here so we got through the papps very eaisly. Kae fell aseep as soon as we got in the car, Koko fell on the plane so right now I'm very nervous. Being in the same city as her changes everything, I know right now she's sleep so I can't go now. But once I go to the hotel I will call her. She's probably upset at me cause I haven't talked to her all day, but If I did I would of messed up the surprised. I know we haven't put a title on our relationship but I'm ready to get there, but I'm pretty sure Elease isn't ready yet.

This girl is just something else. She shy, but has moments when she gets coky. She's so smart, but she has her dumb blonde moments which just makes my day. Whenever I'm around her I just can't keep my hand off her. I've never been this sexually aroused in my life, she has my heart I need hers. While I'm thinking about her my phones rings. It's as if she knew I was thinking about her.

"Hey bae."


"Hello?" I asked confused, I heard some shuffling and muffled mouths so she must of butt dial me. I just chuckled to myself and was going to hang up with I heard.

"I know you still love me."

Who the hell is that?

I'm not the jealouse type, but I'm nosy as hell.

"I don't love you Aria."

Her ex, she told me that don't talk. That right then made me get a bad feeling.

"Driver, change of address.

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