Chapter 6

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"What time is Dinah coming over to get ready?" Camila asked Lauren, as she went to the kitchen to grab a drink.

"Not sure" was Lauren reply from the couch. Camila felt like Lauren was somehow mad at her, but didn't know why. Since Shawn asked her out earlier today Lauren has been acting icy cold towards her and Camila couldn't understand why for the love of God.

"Ok, what's your deal, lo?" She asked leaning on the wall, with her arms folded across her chest, eyeing her.

"I'm a good kid. I don't deal anything" Was Lauren's sarcastic reply as she kept her eyes trained on the tv in front of her, not batting an eye in Camila's direction.

"Why are you acting like.. like a bitch towards me? Did I do something wrong?" Camila wonders out loud, sitting down next to Lauren. "Lo, please look at me and answer me" Camila demanded when Lauren didn't acknowledge her.

"Dinah is on her way," Lauren said checking her phone. "We should probably get dress or at least get in the shower" she suggested, getting up going upstairs, not answering her questions.

"I could care less about this damn party right now, Lauren" Camila called out to her, following her up the stairs addressing her by her full name which she never really does. "I just want to know why-"

"Can we drop the subject please, it's no big deal" Lauren interrupted turning around to fully look at Camila, as they stood outside of Lauren's room facing each other. Brown and green eyes looking at one another. "I'm just having a bad day, is all"

"Bullshit" Camila spits out, knowing that was a white lie. "Lauren, I know you like the back of my hand, ok I know when you're lying to me," Camila told her with her arms crossed.

Lauren studied her face with intense eyes, her mouth twisted in a humourless smile as she looked at the young Cuban in front of her. Shaking her head Lauren walked into her room, leaving the door open knowing Camila would follow behind her. "Do you like him?" Lauren questioned, grabbing a magazine that was on her nightstand, sitting on her bed as her back rested on the headboard, as she pretended to be reading the magazine.

"Like who?" The younger Cuban asked leaning on one leg.

"Shawn" Lauren said, still looking at the magazine. "Do you like Shawn? Is he your crush?" Lauren questioned her, throwing the magazine to the side of her bed, now looking at her for the first time without having anger blind her eyes as she finally took in Camila's appearance.

Camila had her hair in a messy bun with her glasses hanging on the bridge of her nose, while she sported some sweatpants and one of Lauren's 1975 sweatshirts. Just seeing Camila wearing her sweatshirt made Lauren smile on the inside. She always did look good in my clothes, Lauren thought to herself.

"What!? Lauren, no" Camila said stunned that Lauren would even ask her something like that. "I barely like him as a friend" she joked, sitting on Lauren's bed making Lauren chuckle just a bit at her little joke. "Plus we just met him a few weeks ago"

"Doesn't mean you haven't seen him around before" she tells her.

"Fair enough, but why would you ask such a thing?"

"Well, you told him you would go to the party with him without even thinking or hesitating about it a-and... I just assumed that he was your crush"

"I only said yes, because I didn't want to go to the party by myself plus this is sort of like our first date" Camila explained to her, setting her glasses on Lauren's nightstand.

"Oh" was all Lauren could say at the moment because now she felt like a complete idiot for thinking that Camila liked him, but she did still feel some type of way knowing Camila is going on a date with this clown. He's not even good enough to be going out with Camila.

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