Chapter 1

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Note: I do not own any of the characters except myself, my family, my friends and myself.

Series 1, Episode 1- The Pilot

Monday, 1st of August 2016
Paige's POV...

Gripping tightly at the cotton fabric of my duvet cover, I growled in hatred and raging anger. Tonight was one of those nights where I was arguing and bickering with my brother who complained that I was supposedly uploading videos or photos that took way too long to upload, and caused major issues with his Xbox that he played way too many games on. Sometimes, my brother can be a complete drama queen about absolutely nothing and I was sick of it. I wasn't paying any attention to anything he was saying as I desperately tried to control the anger that coursed itself into my veins like a raging fire in a fireplace. I have never once in my life felt completely angry like this before. I wasn't sure what was happening till a rippling gut wrenching pain burst through my muscles and bones. I gulped down the lump that began to form in the back of my throat and tried desperately to stop my hands from shaking like fallen leafs. However, it wasn't until a more agonising rippling, gut wrenching pain burst through my muscles and bones. I panted heavily like I just ran a marathon, beads of sweat dripping down my forehead. "Oh for gods sake, are you even listening to me?" Ryan questioned, frustratedly. I cried out in response. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Ryan questioned, worry and concern dripping off of the tip of his tongue. I opened my mouth to respond but an ear piercing yell slipped past my lips and dangerously bounced off of the walls of the house. "Holy shit." Ryan yelped out in surprise. I scrunched my face up in utter confusion and lifted my head up staring at my brother right in the eye. His eyes were widened in shock, horror stricken across his face. "Paige..." Ryan said, slowly. I responded with an animal like whimper and I wasn't sure what was going on. "I would look in the mirror, if I were you." Ryan suggested, his adam's apple bobbing up and down. I slowly turned my head to the reflection of my mirror and I staggered backwards, whimpering underneath my breath.

I wasn't expecting to look in the mirror and see that I had somehow turned into a giant werewolf with black shiny gorgeous fur and a few touches of white scattered over the black shiny gorgeous fur. I was completely and utterly confused at what was happening. The sound of footsteps stormed up the stairs. "What's with all the..." Mum began, but trailed off and stared right at me with wide, shocked eyes. "Noise?" Mum finished off. I whimpered sadly and slowly guided myself down onto the floor, tucking my head away between my paws. "Mark." Mum called, slowly and cautiously. The sound of heavier footsteps stormed up the stairs this time. "Yep... oh my god, is that Paige?" Dad questioned, gasping out in realisation that I was in fact a giant werewolf like I was told I'd turn into at some point during my life, but I didn't think I'd phase now. I had a very complicated family history. My ancestors a long time ago were able to phase into beautiful werewolves that would protect the innocents from the creatures known as the cold ones. At a young age, I was told many stories about our family history, legends that were true and actually happened eighty years ago. I never thought about all the stories I was told as a little girl as bedtime stories, till now.

"She is a wolf. A werewolf. A big giant werewolf." Ryan yelped out, in utter and complete shock. Mum rolled her eyes. "No, shit. Mark... what do we do?" Mum questioned, slapping him lightly on the arm."Well, for starters she's gonna have to stop sulking and try to phase back." Dad said in a duh tone. I barked slightly causing them to stagger backwards startled by my outburst. "I don't think she knows how." Ryan dragged out slowly. "You're probably right. Pickle, listen, okay. This is gonna take up a lot of concentration, alright? Picture yourself of what you looked like before you phased. The clothes you were wearing and every detail about your face, and your body." Dad explained. I simply stared into his warm brown eyes and he nodded at me swiftly, and slowly. I whimpered slightly and cowered my head between my paws a little, before closing my eyes and picturing myself in the clothes I wore before I phased and every minor little detail about myself. I sighed out in utter relief once I felt my fingernails digging into the old coloured carpet.

Right Place, Right Time // Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now