Chapter 20

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Season 1, Episode 6- Heart Monitor

Later in detention...

Peacefully, I sat the opposite side of the classroom the boys were sitting on, as I especially didn't want to talk to my boyfriend. I was still pissed off that my boyfriend had landed me in detention. Earlier on, I called my mother to chat to her about what had happened that landed me in detention with the horrible chemistry teacher I had to put up with. My mother was upset by the fact that I ended up in detention, as I did nothing wrong so thankfully, my mother would be calling up to complain about my chemistry teacher handing me a detention for no reason, whatsoever. I decided to catch up on my class for health and social, and musical theatre. I caught up fast for those classes, but I did need to catch up on work that I had missed out from last semester. In the corner of my eye, Scott, who I easily forgave, was dabbing at his bleeding nose with a tissue. Scott is attempting to actually do work for his classes, but as for my boyfriend, Stiles was quietly sitting at the desk, doing absolutely nothing. Stiles has been in a numerous amount of detentions before, and to be honest, I wasn't surprised. "Excuse me, sir?" Scott called, as I slowly lifted my head up, ever so slightly to see what was happening. "Uh, I know it's detention and all, but, uh, I'm supposed to be at work, and I don't want to get fired." Scott explained. Mr Harris simply smiled and went back to whatever the hell he was doing.

Scott sighed, but went back to the work he was supposed to be doing, but was failing at completing. I lowered my head back down and dug my nose back into the work I needed to finish off. "You knew I would heal." Scott said. I gulped down the lump that formed in my throat and slowly turned my head to the side to see where this conversation was going to go. "Yep." Stiles simply answered. "So, you did that to help me learn?" Scott questioned. "Yep." Stiles answered. "But partially punish me." Scott added. "Yeah. Well, that ones obvious." Stiles scoffed, but in the corner of my eye, I noticed Mr Harris eavesdropping on their totally private conversation. "Dude, you're my best friend, and I can't have you being angry with me." Scott sighed. "I'm not angry anymore." Stiles stated. "Look, you have something Scott. Okay? Whether you want it or not, you can do things nobody else can do. Other than Paige, of course. So, that means you don't have a choice anymore. It means you have to do something." Stiles explained, fiddling with the pencil continuously. "I know. And I will." Scott stated. "All right, all of you, out of here." Mr Harris announced.

I came to realisation that the hours worth of detention was over. "Thank you." Scott thanked, as I slipped the pieces of papers in the folder I owned to keep my work neat and tidy. I pushed the folder into my handbag and swung the handle over my right shoulder, before I waltzed out of the classroom, Scott and Stiles hot at my heels. Scott was out of my sight before I knew it, since he was late to work after all. I kept up the pace, not ready to talk to my boyfriend, who I was still pissed off with. "Paige, babe. Wait up." Stiles called, as I began to pick up the pace. I wasn't only pissed off with my boyfriend because he landed me in detention, but when he hissed at me, I couldn't help but feel like one of those over sensitive girlfriends that hated when their boyfriends were angry at them. "Paige, please." Stiles pleaded. I came to a halt, as I sighed deeply and relaxed my shoulders, before I span on my heels to face a breathless Stiles. "What?" I questioned. "I'm sorry, okay. I didn't mean for you to get a detention. I didn't think about the consequences of my idea. I'm so sorry. Please, don't be pissed off at me." Stiles breathlessly said. "Stiles, it's not only because you landed me in detention, but the way you hissed in my ear made me feel like one of those girlfriends who hate when their boyfriend is angry at their girlfriend. It made me feel... weak, small. I shouldn't have to feel those things. I shouldn't have to fear my boyfriend. To be honest, you should be afraid of me, because of what I am. I mean... I'm practically a monster." I explained, as I waved my arms in exaggeration.

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