Chapter 13

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Season 1, Episode 4- Magic Bullet

On Sunday in the Middle of the Night...

I was peacefully sleeping, till a howl startled me awake. I sat up, alarmed and listened as the howl echoed obnoxiously in my ears over, and over again. I didn't recognise the howl, but if it was the alpha, then I had to get out there to hunt whoever the alpha was, down because I am not letting that monster kill anybody else. I pushed the warmth of my duvet off of my body, before quietly slipping out of bed. I rummaged through my wardrobe for a pair of comfortable sneakers to wear and quickly slipped them on. I shrugged a jacket over my shoulders and went over to my bedroom window. I didn't want my parents or brother to hear that I was awake, by slamming the front door of the house shut. I slid my window open, before silently climbing out of my window. Thankfully, I was met with a wooden roof since I did not want to accidentally fall off of the window sill outside and break my neck on the concrete floor. I would not survive that sort of fall. I silently slid my window shut, before somersaulting frontwards through the air. I landed on my feet with a thud, before I rushed over to the backgarden door that lead out to the woods. I shut the door behind me, before running off into the woods. I leapt off of a nearby fallen tree branch and phased mid air. I landed on my four paws with a soft thud, as I snarled and snapped my teeth together, as I rushed through the forest following the sound of the alpha's howls.

Minutes later, I found myself near an industrial estate. I phased back to my normal human self and the scent of what seemed to be death wavered up into my nostrils. I was so hoping that wasn't the scent of the redhead, Victoria. I have not seen her around in days or chased after her in days, seeing as I was so busy and I had no idea where she was hiding. Although, the scent was slightly different to hers, as the scent of death also had a distinct decaying smell. Whoever that was, that person was slowly decaying and dying, on the brink of death. I walked into the industrial estate and saw Scott wondering out of the shadows. "Scott." I whisper-shouted, immadiently grabbing his attention. Scott held a finger up to his mouth and I looked at him quizzically. The faint sound of voices caught my attention. I quickly followed the faint sound of voices and sneakily peered around a corner. Chris, Allison's father, caught my sight and he was also with a young blonde women. I wasn't sure who that was, because it could be anyone, like a sister or a cousin visiting. The blonde women was holding a riffle over her shoulder so I immadiently knew she was a part of the Argent family, a hunter. "Chris, there was two of them." The blonde women said. "The alpha?" Chris questioned. "I don't know, but one of them tried to kill me." The blonde women answered.

"One of them is gonna lead us to the other. He can't do that if he's dead." Chris pointed out. "Well, I can't help kill either of them if one of them kills me first." The blonde women stated. "How long will it take?" Chris questioned. "Give him 48 hours. If that..." The blonde women answered. Whoever she shot, that werewolf was not lucky and I already think I know who that women shot. Derek.

Monday at Beacon Hills High School...

Our history teacher was handing our test papers back today and I was so hoping for a good grade. I studied a week for it before the test so I was pretty sure I've passed it. "If Derek isn't the alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?" Stiles questioned, in a hushed whisper. "I don't know." Scott shrugged. "Did the alpha kill the bus driver?" Stiles questioned, in a hushed whisper. I was silently sitting in the row to the right of the boys, in a seat besides Stiles. "I don't know." Scott answered. Stiles sighed out in annoyance. "Does Allison's dad know about the alpha?" Stiles questioned. "I don't know." Scott snapped, causing everyone to stare at the boys questionably, as I was handed back my test from the teacher. I was thankfully graded with a A+ so I was beyond happy. "Dude, you need to study more." Stiles said, as I stared over at the test in Scott's hands, which was unfortunately graded with a D-. A D- wasn't that bad to be honest. I mean he wasn't far from passing the test and he did the best he could anyways. Besides with what's going on lately, it's probably why he didn't do as well on this test. Scott slammed the test paper onto his desk.

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