Chapter 6

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Series 1, Episode 1- The Pilot

At Lydia's...

The party was on full swing. Tonight, was a full moon and the breed I would eventually come across was effected by the full moon, and since Scott wasn't born as a werewolf, he has never experienced a full moon. I promised myself I would keep an eye out for him in case anything happens, but I really hope it didn't because I'd like to have some normality in my life, by going out with a guy who I really liked and I didn't just like him because of the imprint, but because he was just so perfect. Stiles dragged me inside of my strawberry blonde friends house and I gawked at the size of her house. "Want a drink?" Stiles questioned, raising his voice over the loudness of the music that vibrated through my feet rapidly. "Yes please." I answered. Stiles then walked off to go get our drinks. I gazed around my surroundings and couldn't help but feel claustrophobic as people began to crowd around. "Here you go." Stiles yelled at the top of my lungs, cutting myself out of my little trance. "Thanks." I said, and sipped at my drink. I coughed as the strong substance burned my throat. "Stiles, what is this?" I questioned, as Stiles stared at me wide eyed in utter shock. "Lydia tends to mix different types of alcohols together for her parties. I wasn't sure if you liked alcohol or not." Stiles said. "I do, but this is way too much and I don't do whatever this is." I replied, as I set my plastic cup on a nearby table. "I'm sorry." Stiles stuttered out. "No, it's okay. It's not your fault." I shook my head from side to side at him, as people continued to crowd around us and I was beginning to feel like I couldn't breath.

"Are you alright?" Stiles questioned, his lips brushing up agaisnt my ear. "Can we go somewhere else? I... I can't breath." I stuttered out breathlessly. I found out that I was claustrophobic when I was at a festival with my family and with so many crowds, and small spaces, I ended up passing out cause I couldn't breath. "Ooh, you're claustrophobic. Come on, let's go outside." Stiles said, and began to lead me out to the backyard. I gulped in the fresh air and breathed out in relief. "You okay now?" Stiles questioned. "Yeah thanks." I sighed out in relief. Stiles and I then began to chat to get to know each other slightly better since we have only known each other for like a day or two. Stiles introduced me to a few guys that he knew that was crowded inside and made sure the boys didn't surround me.

Scott came stumbling in looking like he was drunk, but I knew he wasn't and I realised the moon was beginning to effect him. "Yo, Scott, you good?" Stiles questioned. Scott stumbled past us, and Stiles rushed after him immadiently, like he knew what was about to happen. "Stiles, wait." I yelled at the top of my lungs and ran as fast as I could in my heels outside to where Stiles was. Scott had ran off into the darkness of the night, ditching Allison at the party. "Allison. I'm a friend of Scott's. I'm Derek." A handsome mysterious stranger introduced himself to Allison. Whoever that was, he seemed off. I saw that Stiles had already started the engine of his Jeep, but before he was able to drive off, I rushed over to his beloved Jeep and slammed the palm of my hands down on the hood of his Jeep stopping him from going any further. "Jesus Christ." Stiles yelped out in surprise. I raced over to his window that was thankfully rolled down.

"How come I get the feeling you're tougher than I think you are?" Stiles questioned, breathlessly. "Cause I am. Look, I can help you, I can help Scott for crying out loud but you gotta trust me." I explained, my tone firm and stern. "What do you mean you can help Scott?" Stiles questioned. "If I'm correct, he's a werewolf right?" I questioned, as Stiles' eyes widened in utter and complete shock. "How did you know that?" Stiles breathed out breathlessly. "Cause, I'm a werewolf too. And I can help Scott." I answered. "Get in." Stiles demanded. I rushed to the other side of the car and clambered into the passengers seat, before Stiles messily drove down to Scott's.

At Scott's Place...

Stiles and I clambered out of his beloved baby blue Jeep, before racing up the pathway to Scott's doorway. I rushed up the set of stairs, the faint sound of water running echoing in my ears. Stiles stumbled across Scott's bedroom doorway and knocked nosily on the door. "Go away." Scott cried out. "Scott, it's me. I have someone with me that can help you out." Stiles replied. Scott opened his door slightly, but didn't let us in. "Let me in, Scott. Paige and I can help." Stiles said, in a firm and stern tone of voice, confirming that it was in fact me that was able to help him out with this werewolf business. "No. Listen, you gotta find Allison." Scott said breathlessly. "She's fine, all right? I saw her get a ride from the party. She's... she's totally fine all right?" I informed. "No, I think I know who it is." Scott cried out. "You... just let me in. We can try..." Stiles exclaimed. "It's Derek. Derek Hale is the werewolf. He's the one that bit me. He's the one that killed the girl in the woods." Scott cried out, once again. "Scott.. Derek's the one who drove Allison from the party." I stated, cautiously. Scott slammed the door close, as the sound of the lock echoed in my ears.
"Scott." Stiles yelled, as he banged his fist agaisnt the door. "Stiles, stop. There's no use. We have to go to Allison's and see if she's okay. She's the top priority now." I barked, as I pulled him off of the door. Stiles stared at me with wide eyes, before nodding his head in agreement. Stiles and I then rushed out of Scott's house, and back to his Jeep, before speeding off to Allison's place, to see if she was okay.

Right Place, Right Time // Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now