Chapter 66

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Season 2, Episode 11- Battlefield

10 minutes later...
Still Paige's POV...

10 minutes into the beginning of the lacrosse game, the other team had already scored 2 points; whereas Beacon Hills lacrosse team has not scored a point, not yet anyways. The whistle blew to signal to start the game once again, as I intently kept an eye on a certain player, also known as Stiles. Just a couple seconds later, the ball landed perfectly in the netting of Stiles' lacrosse stick. Stiles laughed in response, but in just a matter of seconds a player on the opposing team had tackled him to the muddy grass. "Oh god." I grunted, as I rested the palm of my hands against my cheeks; continuing to intently watch the lacrosse game. "Ooh, I got it, I got it, I got it. I got it, I got it." Stiles chanted slightly to himself, as he attempted to pick the ball up with his lacrosse stick. However, in just a matter of seconds, at least two players on the opposing team had once again knocked him down to the muddy grass. I grunted slightly, as the palm of my hands lightly pressed over my chocolate brown eyes; unable to watch my boyfriend being constantly tackled to the ground.

I peeked my through the gap of my fingers, as I intently watched Stiles attempt to catch the ball that flew haphazardly towards him; the ball smashing against the material of his helmet. I sighed slightly, as the crowd began to 'boo' Stiles. Scott immediately stood upon his feet; ready to run out to the field to help Beacon Hills at least score a couple points. "Sit down, McCall." Coach said, as he forcefully pushed Scott to sit back down on the bench. "But, Coach we're dying out there." Scott pointed out. "Oh, I'm aware of that. Now sit." Coach demanded, as he sauntered back towards where he was sitting. Scott bowed his head and sighed in disappointment. I gasped slightly, as Isaac appeared and sat on the other side of Scott. "You came to help?" Scott questioned; his eyes widened in surprise. "I came to win." Isaac corrected, as a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Isaac, Scott and I glanced towards where Gerard stood near the bleachers. Gerard seemed surprised at Isaac's sudden appearance. Maybe, hopefully, we'll actually have a chance to win against Gerard; this time at least.

"You guys got a plan yet?" Isaac questioned. "No. Right now, it's pretty much just keep Jackson from killing anyone." Scott responded. "Well, that might be easier if you're actually in the game." Isaac stated, as Scott sighed frustratedly in response. "We have to make it, so Coach has no choice but to play you." Isaac added on. "How do we do that? He's got a bench full of guys he can use before he ever puts me on the field." Scott huffed annoyingly. Isaac shot me and Scott a 'I-can-do-it' look. "Can you do it without putting anyone in the hospital?" I questioned; the palm of my hands rested comfortably against the cold metal bench. "I can try." Isaac shrugged in response, as he immediately put his protective helmet on, just before sauntering out into the middle of the field.

In just a couple seconds, the whistle blew once again to signal to continue with the game. The game started pretty simple, but just a second later, Isaac had tackled a player on the Beacon Hills team roughly to the ground causing me to wince slightly. "Lahey." Coach shouted in rage. "Ramirez. You're in." Coach demanded, as Ramirez ran into the middle of the field; the game continuing on once the whistle blew just a couple seconds later. I watched intently, as just a minute later Isaac had tackled yet a different player on the Beacon Hills team to the ground; the poor player landing directly in front of the bench Coach was sitting on.

"Murphey. You're in." Coach demanded, as Murphey made his way onto the field; the whistle blowing to signal all players to continue the game. However, once again, just a couple seconds later, Isaac had once again roughly knocked two different Beacon Hills player harshly to the ground. "Lahey. Seriously, what the hell is your problem?" Coach shouted in rage. Isaac stretched his arms out slightly as to say 'sorry Coach' before continuing on with the game.

Just a minute later, Isaac was tackled harshly to the ground none other than by Jackson. Scott and I stood abruptly to our feet in surprise, as Jackson removed his protective helmet. Jackson walked off the field with a smug look upon his face. Scott and I rushed to Isaac's aid almost immediately. I stared down at his slightly bent leg, as I shot him a worrying glance. "It's not broken. But, I can't move it." Isaac informed, as paramedics came sauntering towards us with a gurney. "I think Jackson nicked me because I can feel it spreading." Isaac said, as the paramedics prepared to lift him onto the gurney. I glanced towards Gerard, as I sent him a death glare. "You want to play chess, Scott and Paige? Then you better be willing to sacrifice your own pawns." Gerard's voice filtered in.

"One, two, three." A paramedic counted, as the paramedics lifted Isaac with ease onto the gurney. "Crap." Coach cursed. "McCall. Either you're in or we forfeit." Coach informed, immediately handing Scott a stick and a protective helmet. "Okay." Scott responded. In the corner of my eye, Melissa rushed up to Scott and I; her comforting hands placing themselves on Scott's arm. "Hey, something's happening, isn't it? Something more than a lacrosse game?" Melissa questioned, worriedly. "You should go." Scott suggested, as I nodded in agreement. "No, I'm not going anywhere." Melissa shook her head in response "And everything that I said before, forget it. All of it. Okay? If you can do something to help, then you do it. You have to." Melissa exclaimed. "I will." Scott nodded in response, as Melissa jogged lightly back to the bleachers.

"Scott, be careful, okay. If for any reason you need my help, yell." I demanded. Scott nodded in response, as he rushed onto the middle of the field. I glanced over at where Stiles was positioned on the field, as he shot me a 'whats-going-on' look. "Later." I mouthed, as he nodded his head in response. I lightly jogged back to the bleachers, as I took a seat besides Lydia. "Hey." I greeted. "Hey." Lydia greeted back; the game continuing on as if nothing happened.

I intently watched, as the opposing team approached Scott and immediately pushed him harshly to the ground. I winced slightly as just a minute later the same opposing teammate tackled Stiles to the ground just as Stiles retrieved the lacrosse ball. "Don't you know what you're really bargaining for, Scott? Haven't you guessed what the real offer on the table is? It's Allison. It's always been Allison. You give me Derek and I'll let you have Allison." Gerard taunted. "He's bluffing, Scott. Don't listen to him." I mumbled underneath my breath. The whistle blew seconds later signalling half time. Whatever was Gerard was planning, that plan needed to end. And it needed to end now.

Right Place, Right Time // Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now