My Chemistry Class (Short story)

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Tick! Tick! Tick! Tick! Tick!

I gritted my teeth against the annoying sound, trying to continue taking my test. But the constant tick tick tick of some idiot ticking their pencil against the hardwood of their desk was very quickly beginning to piss me of. I mean, how in the hell am I supposed to finish this fucking Chemistry test?!

The minutes went by agonizingly slow and I'd only gotten eight of the damned problems done! I had twenty-something more to do and the worst part was it gets more complex as they go. My eyes zoomed across the other students, quickly finding the culprit. What amazed me was that the maker of the most annoying sound on the planet would be one of the most annoying people who inhabited this Earth. And that's Tristan Vincent Stratford.

It stings to admit but Tristan is painfully gorgeous. I've tried to denying it multiple times. I've tried to convince myself that his dark chocolate brown hair is dirty tree bark brown and too short, that his square jaw is freakishly geometric rather than appearing to be sculpted by Michelangelo and that his nose with the tiniest measure of a bump in it isn't cute and is in fact ugly. Okay, I sounded like any other disgruntled, jealous nerd here, but I'm not. Really, I'm not jealous of him at all! I just severely despise him and I got 5 good reasons to hate him this much:

First, he doesn't give a fudge about the world or anyone around him.

Second, he's mean to lots of people all the time.

Third, all that matters to him is himself (of course) and that he keeps his grade up to maintain his loads of scholarships which won't be a problem judging by the loads of brainy ladies lining up for him.

Fourth, he's the arrogant, self-centered seatmate that I have in my Chemistry class for a whole year. WHOLE YEAR! Arggh! Thank God, I'm still alive.

Fifth, I think I've said it all, so I'm going to cancel the fifth one.

Again, with all the patience remaining, I managed to concentrate at my paper as I tried to understand the problems. But before writing anything on it the bell abruptly rang, indicating that the test was over. Great! I only had eight answers and I'm not sure if those eight were correct. It was his entire fault.


It was Friday and I was running as fast as Flash, hoping that I'm not yet late for our forum, but if my calculation was right-yeah. I think I'm going to be late. I'm now running halfway when someone had hit me making me fall on the floor. I got teary eyes due to the pain and all I could do was to curse.

"Chill, you don't have to be annoyed about it," a very familiar voice growled making my blood rise up to my cheeks not in a romantic way but because of anger.

"I think I can..." I replied as I stood up. "'re the one who ran in to me and never bothered to apologize or ask if I was fine."

He frowned slightly, "Well, next time stay out of my way."

"Or next time you can ran around me like a normal person would do," I defended.

"Like you would know anything about being normal," he mumbled.

Excuse me, did I hear him right? "You're being rude and just for that you aren't a normal person either."

He stared at me and I immediately felt embarrassed for my lame comeback. Then he burst into laughter and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Wow," he chuckled, "You really aren't normal."

"There he is!" Someone yelled in a high pitch tone. I glanced around Tristan's tall figure and saw five girls running in our direction. I heard him cursed before he quickly vanished.

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