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"Why can't I just go to Nana's and Papa's like I always do?" I asked as I cleaned the dishes from lunch. "Because, with Josh gone to college, we'll need some help." Mom said as she looked out the window, waiting for Dad to come back. "You've never needed my help over the summer." I said under my breath. "Honey, we need your help now." Mom said, having heard me. "Why can't the 'new people' help?" I asked. "Honey, renting some of the house out is our best option right now. I know you don't like the idea of someone you don't know living in our house, but we need extra money for treatment." Mom explained. "But, why do I have to be here?" I asked as I put the dishes away. "To help take care of Josie and help work the farm." She said. "And can't Josie go with me to Nana's and Papa's?" I asked. "Morgan, please! Just give these kids chance. They're your age and it's just for the summer." Mom argued. "Yeah, just the summer." I said. "Momma, when is Daddy coming home?" Josie asked, walking into the kitchen. "Soon, Josie, very soon." Mom said, looking out the window again. "I'm going out to the horses." I said. "Don't go out to far this time." Mom said, not looking back at me. "Whatever." I said. Just as I walked out of the kitchen door, I heard the familiar horn of my Dad's Nissan pickup. Great, they're here.


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