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Midday on the planet Dantooine, Fett looked out from the Venator cruiser.

"Are you ready Commander?"

Fett was awaiting Pax's arrival, as they prepared to leave.

The Empire was on its way with troops.

"Yeah lets go, I actually have an LAAT gunship in the hanger bay."

Pax along with Fett reached the Hanger bay, and there it was, a Republic LAAT.

"Where are we headed?"

Fett asked, as he was not informed.

"We're headed to an abandoned CIS fort, there we will look through the data logs, hopefully finding something useful."

Pax knew Dantooine well, as he's been stranded, the LAATs engines worked, but the hyper drive was severely damaged.


Hours of flying and they seemed to be going nowhere, until Pax ringed in.

"We're here, CIS fort D2909, or Clanker Clubhouse as we dubbed it."
Fett snickered.

"So what're we gunna find in here?"

Fett asked.

"Just come with me, soon we'll reach the data consoles."

Fett nodded and headed with Pax to the console.

"Intruder alert, lock down all sectors, Intruder alert, lock down all sectors!"

"This can't be!"

Pax shout.

"Blasters ready!"

They held their rifles high, as they heard metal footsteps.

Blaster bolts fired from the corridors as battle droids from the Clone Wars stormed in.

"Blast em!"

One of the droids shouted.

The droids fired down the corridor with their E-5 blaster rifles.

Fett, along with the help of Pax, returned the fire fending off for themselves. There were too many, they were swarmed by Battle Droids.

"We're pinned, there's too many!"

Pax shouted.

Right as they were storming in, the Battle Droids,  backed away. A blue and  green glow emitted from the corridor, as the droids were cut down by lightsabers.

"Greetings old friends."

A robotic voice came down the hall, as the tall being walked towards them, almost all made of CIS parts. The being arrived, Pax and Boba both stepped back in amazement and fear.

Here before them, was the great warrior himself.

General Grievous.

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